Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] it a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There was also substantial cross-group agreement on the selection of this feature , with most groups arguing that the 'summarising " nature of this sentence made it a strong candidate for an opening to the story .
2 Superb 3-D and a Dave Whittaker soundtrack make it a real high-flyer .
3 Saints boss Ian Branfoot made it a double raid on London when he also signed Chelsea 's Dutch defender Ken Monkou for a similar figure .
4 As the season goes on our baits make it a better swim .
5 Sir Michael Angus made it a double whammy for Unilever as the outgoing plc chairman , soon to take up the cudgels on behalf of the CBI , entered the International Marketing Hall of Fame .
6 There was one moment of which I was particularly proud , and Richard made it a magic one .
7 More important is the fact that our simultaneous selfish demands make it a precarious , situational altruism .
8 Before re-assembling the valve give it a good clean and smear petroleum jelly on the piston and on the threads of the cap holding the washer , so that if necessary it can be undone more easily in the future .
9 This is magical , and gives the rider of any horse wearing it a +20 bonus to all Ride tests .
10 The straps had been painted in Renaissance fold mixed with cadmium red light to give it a warmer , redder appearance .
11 A finish applied to the fabric to give it a watermarked appearance .
12 Mummy get it a big , big
13 Howes thought it a prescient occasion .
14 Thirdly , the Act clearly adopts as the test of danger either ‘ the greater risk of harm ’ or ‘ the risk of greater harm ’ : an elephant may not in fact be very likely to get out of control and do damage , but if it does so , its bulk gives it a great capacity for harm .
15 Gurder and Angalo gave it a critical look .
16 In the last-named work he opened up lines of interpretation which , even if somewhat modified since , set firm foundations on which other scholars might build : the exuberant vigour and almost Niagara-like outpouring of scholarship gave it a memorable quality .
17 Additionally , training and riding a horse teaches it a whole range of new habits in relation to its work and us .
18 The GXA Gaintec S3 graphics accelerator card makes it a good Windows workhorse .
19 What features of the city plan make it a pleasant place for outdoor recreation ?
20 Visitors found it a lovely house , full of air and hospitality .
21 Turn off the water , drain down and bale out the cistern to give it a good clean .
22 It 's both refreshingly basic and gloriously polished , Kim Fowley doing the Mr Sheen production work to give it a massive sound .
23 It 's both refreshingly basic and gloriously polished , Kim Fowley doing the Mr Sheen production work to give it a massive sound .
24 Tallis fed it a meagre handful of the oats she carried .
25 One compound based on methylene chloride also incorporates ammonium hydroxide to give it a characteristic smell .
26 These raised the nap on the cloth , which could then be cropped with shears to give it a smoother finish .
27 Not that he ever mentions it , or that I 've ever asked him , but he 's the type to consider it a sacred duty to have everything in order for every emergency . ’
28 Anabelle thought it a splendid treat , and drank it down at once .
29 Nails thought it a good idea .
30 A hundred years of county council government seems a strange reason to create a long distance path , but North Yorkshire County Council thought it a good enough excuse .
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