Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] it [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Ottaviani let it be known , however , that his Theological Commission would regard such votes as guidelines only , not directives .
2 LABOUR Party branch members in Crook let it be known that they are looking for new blood to inject a little life and optimism into their ranks .
3 So the first hopeful sign of realignment coming out of Labour 's leadership election was when Bryan Gould espoused devaluation — and the first disappointment was how rapidly he retreated when John Smith 's camp let it be known that , in their eyes , this disqualified Bryan as deputy leader .
4 As to schools , a DES spokesperson let it be known that such concerns are left to the LEAs and that studies of this kind are likely to be part of religious education .
5 And Glamorgan let it be known that their vice-captain would be Matthew Maynard .
6 Barker let it be known that his ( Tissington 's ) company sold out well before 1760 , passing all Coniston accounts with his company to Mr. Hall , who was Roe 's man-on-the-spot , getting a receipt from the same , in full , free of all demands , for thirteen twenty-fourths belonging to Anthony Tissington .
7 The Heath and Maudling camps were already at work ; but then Enoch Powell let it be known that he too would be running .
8 STV propagandists let it be understood that each major party will put up a candidate for every seat .
9 Officials let it be understood that Turkey would not object to Kurdish autonomy in a federal Iraq , but Özal , interviewed on March 29 , said that the Kurdish leaders " were clearly told they should definitely not consider a separate state " .
10 Wilfred lets it be known that I 'm not an unpaid curate . ’
11 Now that all the poll tax register computer equipment is installed , there is a strong case to let it be used to compile the electoral roll on the same basis .
12 In Berlin , Bismarck let it be known that he saw nothing wrong with the proposed solution , though he backed away from too openly supporting it in the face of a general outcry from the other European courts .
13 It was a subject Earl Mountbatten discussed endlessly with the Queen during afternoon tea at Buckingham Palace while Prince Philip let it be known that he was growing impatient with his son 's irresponsible approach to marriage .
14 The day after that smoke signal was released , the same non-attributable sources let it be known that Heseltine had been rebuked in Cabinet for busting the collective line .
15 Prior to taking office Aristide let it be known that he intended to remain outside the existing structure of political parties within Haiti .
16 The United States began consultations with friendly powers in October letting it be understood that a UN temporary commission would be proposed , charged with supervising elections and reporting back to the UN Security Council and General Assembly at Lake Success .
17 Long before Neil Kinnock let it be known that he had let his membership of Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament lapse , the Labour Party and CND had been growing apart .
18 The government let it be known in late May that it was planning to close the three Saharan detention camps of Reggane , Ain Salah and Ain M'guel , releasing many of those detained for their radical Islamic sympathies , and moving the others further north .
19 Once the transactions were over — transactions which had taken this house out of the hands of the Darlington family after two centuries — Mr Farraday let it be known that he would not be taking up immediate residence here , but would spend a further four months concluding matters in the United States .
20 Once Tim Renton let it be known that he was not seeking reappointment , David Mellor became a strong candidate , not only for his passionate interest in classical music and football .
21 On the fringe of the political scene , the Daily Mail campaigned vigorously for a coalition under a new leader and various important figures in the City of London let it be known that a Socialist Government would be a financial disaster .
22 The USA let it be known that it was prepared to upgrade the status of these talks if North Korea submitted to nuclear inspection .
23 And last Monday Dr Harold Varmus let it be known that the thrill of winning the Nobel Prize for Medicine in the morning was as nothing compared with being at Candlestick Park in the evening to see the Giants take the National League pennant for the first time in 27 years .
24 After the war was over , Mr Ozal let it be known that Turkey itself had held talks with Iraqi Kurds , including Jalal Talabani , the leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and a critic of Mr Ocalan 's extremism .
25 It was with a succession of such hints that Shah Jehan let it be known that his eldest son bathed in an ever-brighter glow of Imperial approval .
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