Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] to the other " in BNC.

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1 If the prefaces strike a sombre note , the entries go to the other extreme by being blandly reassuring and avoiding excessive detail .
2 Nuadu 's eyes went to the other captives and Fenella at once said , ‘ Yes , of course , all of you .
3 Everyone 's eyes turn to the other so await its reappearance .
4 When they left the café , Picasso suggested to the other two that they should visit Modigliani 's studio to see his work .
5 This allows a court to adjust its decision according to the other party involved .
6 COMPARED with Daihatsu , Peugeot goes to the other extreme and puts a 1.8 litre version of the XUD engine range in its diesel 205s .
7 The sun goes to the other side .
8 Karen turned to the other workers .
9 Or — to continue with the EC example — countries from outside Europe ( in Africa , for instance ) enjoy a closer relationship as associate member countries than European countries belonging to the other major economic grouping , EFTA — the European Free Trade Association .
10 These teams were drawn together in the European Championship in West Germany last year , when England lost to the other two .
11 But in the design of Moscow 's Riga and Yaroslavl Stations , Russia looked to the other strand of her heritage — the East , producing veritable Oriental fantasies .
12 The strong flavours of culinary herbs ensure that they should be used in small quantities , but there is no need to go to the other extreme and be timid with them .
13 Six weeks later when the Korean War erupted the focus of Acheson 's attention turned to the other side of the world but the concept of all-round defence meant that , for the US , strengthening France and Germany was now even more important in a Europe which , if strong enough , might deter communist aggression and in Asia where the aggression had already begun .
14 Then the Oxford prop Jones was warned for stamping , another penalty was awarded and Cambridge swept to the other end to seal the match with an opportunist try by Adrian Davies .
15 An agreement which is described as a lease or a rental is essentially a contract of hire and a hire agreement is one under which the possession of the goods passes to the other party but the property in the goods ( the ownership ) remains with the supplier .
16 Finally , it should be noted that the whole of s 7 of the UCTA , and , indeed , the relevant sections of the SGSA discussed above , only apply to contracts under which possession or ownership of the goods passes to the other party .
17 Jordan had exhausted all of its " material capabilities " and the King appealed to the other Arab leaders to contribute economic and military aid .
18 The curator moved to the other side , encircled Gus competently but aloofly , and handed over the lantern .
19 Lindsey signalled to the other girl to take over .
20 Soft corals such as gorgonians and leather corals belong to the other major coral family Octocoralia .
21 From the gauzy film of ginger hair which covers his scalp but fails to conceal it , to his gleaming Doc Martens , Harry is designed to make anyone who has even the smallest stake in the present scheme of things cross to the other side of the street .
22 also considered ( p. 390c ) that in Cloverbay the Vice-Chancellor had not identified ‘ a watertight limit to the jurisdiction of the court to make an order under section 236 , ’ and that the court had a general discretion which should be exercised by balancing the needs of the administrators against the disadvantages accruing to the other party which can result from the making of the order .
23 Sam Weller 's allusion is to a mechanical device for producing outline portraits by tracing the features with one end of a wire which has a pencil attached to the other end .
24 It 's difficult to know what to suggest because if traffic diverts to the other side of town then it will get clogged up there
25 All the traffic , it was all sort of er arranged that at a certain time all the traffic stopped to the other side .
26 When digits are presented in pairs to left and right ears , there is an almost universal tendency ( Broadbent , 1954 ) for subjects to report all of the items presented to one ear before reporting those items presented to the other ear .
27 Then the captain talked to the other five men , and they agreed to help him .
28 In your opinion does that , do those comments apply to the other two sectors , north of York ?
29 We were told what to do and then left , as the instructor went to the other end of the loch to shout instructions at a few stranded boats .
30 Similar arguments apply to the other terms and , at bottom , unless there is a way of uncovering the objective laws of human nature , Morgenthau 's approach loses the essential scientific quality which he claims for it .
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