Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] to the time " in BNC.

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1 It was held that there had been no breach of the condition as to title because that condition related to the time of the sale .
2 Benjamin Cotton replied to the Times advertisement and undertook to ‘ preserve the mahogany doors ( still in fine fettle ) , to turn the pantry and store room into a servants ’ hall , and the brew house and cart stable into loose boxes . ’
3 A recent correspondence printed in the Regimental Association journal Mars and Minerva alluded to the time in Operation Houndsworth when three aircraft had left from Fairford for the Morvan .
4 Thus , just as place deixis encodes spatial locations on coordinates anchored to the place of utterance , so time deixis encodes times on co-ordinates anchored to the time of utterance .
5 The earliest known frescoes date to the time of the second temples , i.e. from 1700 BC onwards .
6 Evidently , in response to a suitable input triggering pulse , a monostable multivibrator creates a rectangular output pulse of amplitude and duration related to the time constant RC .
7 Some of the earliest material ( i.e. object-types which are found both on the Continent and in England ) was dated by reference to the historical sources : ‘ the oldest brooches belong to the time of the invasion ’ ( 156 ) .
8 What is certain is that the two parts of the community continued to the time of Lanfranc 's death and beyond to face each other with unconcealed hostility .
9 The digesta version , contrary to its usual practice , seems to have struck out more unnecessary detail than the responsa , such as the lengthy description of the debts and the circumlocution referring to the time the will was made .
10 On the publication of Macmillan 's memoirs Mr Humphrey Berkeley wrote to The Times to complain about this as being a ‘ gross constitutional impropriety ’ .
11 The 1971 Act provides that all permissions must have conditions relating to the time within which the development must be started and approval of reserve matters sought .
12 At London 's new Lanesborough Hotel , public area lighting is linked by a timer to an outdoor sensor which controls the lights according to the time or cloud cover .
13 Much symbolism and tradition are attached to these maypole ceremonies , but traditions adapt to the times .
14 One aspect of this discretion relates to the time limit for making an application for judicial review under RSC Order 53 : s. 31(6) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 allows the court to refuse leave or to refuse relief if there has been undue delay in making the application and that the granting of relief would , amongst other things , be ‘ detrimental to good administration ’ .
15 Having discussed certain arguments relating to the time when the property passed ( which were relevant to an additional and unsound argument put forward by the insurers ) , he continued , at p. 280 :
16 In flight refreshment or meals according to the time of day .
17 The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was a slickly-packaged Indian guru with a message tailored to the times .
18 Light refreshments/meals are served on all flights according to the time of day .
19 THE more scientists write to The Times threatening to vote Labour unless we give them huge sums of money , the more many of us feel it is time to call a halt to science .
20 Ruskin wrote to The Times on ‘ The Turner Gallery ’ , the day after Freeman 's letter and , as a postscript , said : ‘ I wish the writer of the admirable and exhaustive letter which appeared in your columns yesterday on the subject of Mr Scott 's design for the Foreign Office would allow me to know his name ’ .
21 Steel-Maitland wrote to The Times in 1913 to accuse the Liberals of corrupt practices at the Wick Burghs by-election , and Sanders noted that at Taunton they had given away half-crowns wrapped in Liberal leaflets ; both contests went against the trend , so there may be some truth in the allegations .
22 The old man pointed to The Times , which lay on his table with other journals .
23 However , we often require smoothed values corresponding to the time points of the original observations yet have no choice but to use 12-month or 4-quarter averages to eliminate seasonal variation .
24 The sales cycle refers to the time which can reasonably be expected to pass before an order is concluded .
25 letter relate , does the letter relate to the time of purchase ?
26 The deadlines refer to the time at which the convergence conditions will be examined .
27 ‘ We do not agree with your slave morality , ’ the albino spoke to the time traveller .
28 Colnaghi contributed little to American museums in these years ( the 1930s and 1940s ) and what they did sell betrayed an unwillingness to adapt to the times .
29 Thus , true poetry is an entity to which the property POETRY truly applies , while Charlie 's old school is an entity such that the relation between it and the description CHARLIE 'S SCHOOL belongs to the time labelled by the word " old " , and a certain winner ( when not used with the indefinite sense ) is an entity of whom or which the description WINNER certainly holds ( or so the gambler hopes ) .
30 It success is partly demonstrated by the fact that school examination results in West Sussex ranked third in the country according to The Times performance league .
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