Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] to an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They also found that an error of eight weeks in the date of payment led to an average error in the proportionate mispricing of only 0.01% .
2 This change led to an enormous effort to begin active treatment in the neonatal period for virtually all infants with this condition .
3 In doing so , we were particularly interested in the degree to which the proposals conformed to an evolving set of guidelines , and seemed likely to accord with the stated objectives of the project .
4 The combination of ranitidine with cisapride further diminished the acid reflux found with ranitidine — that is , cisapride led to an additional reduction of total reflux ( from 6.4 ( 1.2- 22.8 ) % to 3.7 ( 1.0–12.7 ) % , p<0.01 ) , supine reflux ( p<0.05 ) , and postprandial reflux ( p<0.05 ) .
5 All cases correspond to an initial kinetic energy at h=100 km of 15Mton .
6 ‘ So it emerges from these authorities that the retention of moneys known to have been paid under a mistake at law , although it is a course permitted to an ordinary litigant , is not regarded by the courts as a ‘ high-minded thing ’ to do , but rather as a ‘ shabby thing ’ or a ‘ dirty trick ’ and hence is a course which the court will not allow one of its own officers , such as a trustee in bankruptcy , to take .
7 Table 6.7 compares the additional times added to an average record seek due to consecutive spill ( for files using mid-square and division randomizing techniques ) , chained overflow in a separate area and chained overflow in the prime data area .
8 Whereas Serena is concerned to domesticate her problems , Stella consciously strives to exaggerate her own eccentricity , yet her resilience and the regularity of her yo-yo-like existence testify to an underlying solidity .
9 Although not a new phenomenon abroad , occurrences of listeria were relatively rare in Britain until 1989 when the number of cases rose to an estimated 800 , one third of which were pregnant women .
10 Atropine given during intravenous infusion led to an immediate fall in acid output .
11 We seem to remember that revelations about recycling Mr Kinnock 's speeches led to an American presidential candidate withdrawing in that country 's last election .
12 Some organisations may have a special appeals procedure , with problems or grievances referred to an independent arbitrator .
13 For instance , a work of scholarship devoted to an esoteric subject will sell for a significantly higher price than a novel of approximately the same length and format by a popular writer .
14 The case roles have been modified since Fillmore 's original definition to include restrictions such as these , but the restriction lists grow to an interminable length and the technique is still unable to recognise that two expressions ( e.g. ’ the woman ’ and ’ she ’ ) may refer to the same individual .
15 → DI stands for ‘ direct inject ’ , a term applied to an electronic unit which provides a method of hooking up a variety of instruments and amplifiers to a mixing desk .
16 In his own attempt to ‘ map ’ the origins of life onto the individual psyche , Freud came to an unsettling conclusion .
17 Both these experimental conformations and the model conformations obtained with JUMNA are analysed using the CURVES algorithm ( 26,27 ) which determines a full independent set of helicoidal parameters related to an optimal curvilinear helical axis .
18 The Uderzo-Goscinny partnership came to an abrupt end with Goscinny 's death in 1977 .
19 The car came to an abrupt halt .
20 I promised at the outset , however , to show that reductive treatment of these features of the mind leads to an incoherent conception of the world , quite independently of the inadequacies of the reductions themselves : that is , even if the reduction of consciousness and thought were not independently flawed , the picture of the world that emerges is incoherent .
21 Prince Charles had intended to wait for Cumberland to attack , but after his troops had endured this merciless fire for 20 minutes or more one commander warned Lord George Murray that his men ‘ were turned so impatient that they were like to break their ranks ’ and the pretender agreed to an immediate attack .
22 As Lord Hill replied to an outraged Lord Derby , whose TWW had ‘ stood on its record ’ and been brusquely dismissed , newcomers such as Harlech could offer only promises , ‘ but if promise is never to be preferred to performance , then every television company will go on for ever ’ ( Sendall , 1983 , p. 359 ) .
23 He said the car belonged to an elderly lady in Wokingham .
24 By June 22 UN military observers stated that 16,642 contras had been disbanded , the figure rising to an estimated 19,197 by June 26 .
25 Owners are told to start with a children 's toilet seat taped to an ordinary cat litter box .
26 With wide open beaks both birds cackled — ‘ Kek-kek-kek-kek-kek-kek ’ — voices rising to an explosive crescendo .
27 A treaty may exceptionally purport to bind all non-party States , States belonging to an identifiable category , or even named third States :
28 Instead of rent amounting to an annual 15% of operating costs , it could decline to 13% or 14% .
29 The United Kingdom 's tourist industry relies to an incredible extent on a nostalgia , a re-construction of the past , particularly a rural past without tears , bloodstains or nasty smells .
30 Since the agreements were contracts made under domestic law , it would be necessary to establish that they were internationalised contracts with international law as the proper law of the contract for their violation to amount to an international wrong .
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