Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He argued , convincingly , that noun phrases taken as a whole may quite often have a different temporal assignment from that of the verb which they accompany , as in : ( 37 ) I used to be a good friend of the police chief The underlined phrase may be understood as past relative to the time of utterance ( and hence in agreement with the time indicated by the verb ) or as present ; the two different time-values correspond to the two different continuations in : ( 38 ) … before he joined the force … until he was shot for corruption The first continuation would be compatible with an expansion of the subject phrase to the man who is the police chief , while the second would support the man who was the police chief .
2 Climbers make a great mistake , however , in imagining that each of these groups aspires to the dizzy heights of dangling .
3 But Laird 's trade unionists are still bitter about the council 's decision to object to the proposed Point of Ayr gas terminal the development that could offer a lifeline to the yard if it wins approval .
4 ( ROS goes upstage : Ideally a sort of upper deck joined to the downstage lower deck by short steps .
5 In Spain , we took Hal Hambra from a loss to a profit and the award of the Albanta Prize by the Spanish government and this is an award given to the best new text book in , in the Spanish educational system each year .
6 ON December 14 TODAY warned of the threat posed to women by the dangerously short sentence given to the multiple rapist Dr Thomas Courtney .
7 Among the most beautiful are the ‘ Morgenlied ’ ( track 3 ) and the autumn song , Phoebus hunting with his horses ; the freedom given to the three vocal parts is a conspicuous feature of the latter .
8 Like the implicit analogy between the Nixon pardon and a cleaning product , the comparison between denazification and the action of washing powder points to the arbitrary nature of the performative act and questions the authority on which it is based .
9 WOMEN factory workers fighting for equal pension rights had their case referred to the European Court of Justice yesterday .
10 Their discovery helped overthrow the medieval concept of the Solar System and a few decades later , by a method that I shall not describe , observations of Io led to the first determination of the speed of light , which until then was thought by many philosophers to be infinite .
11 She was said to have paid £1,000 towards the £2,000 down payment given to the undercover detectives by her father and Chief Superintendent John Homer said that in dealings with Mr Smith police had found him a difficult and opinionated man .
12 The gravelled drive split into two ; one branch led to the front door , the other to the back of the house and , according to a finger post , to waiting room and surgery .
13 Differentiation refers to the different relationships , departments and goals that exist within an organisation and integration is the degree of co-ordination and co-operation between different departments with inter-departmental tasks .
14 Differentiation refers to the positivist assumption that there is something ( preferably measurably ) different about criminals ; they may be seen as differing from non-criminals in terms of their biological or psychological make-up , or in terms of their values , again according to the academic origins of the criminologist concerned .
15 English Nature spent over £6 million on habitat management agreements during the year and gave more than £250,000 in land purchase grants to the voluntary sector .
16 The coast ( or cliff-top ) walk from the hostel in the other direction led to the delightful settlement of Robin Hood 's Bay , where the slipway resembles a drawbridge let down from the towering sea walls .
17 The most important difference was the protection given to the embalmed body itself .
18 Moscovici 's defence refers to the destructive power of operational definitions to restrict intellectual advance .
19 Our sympathy goes to the bereaved and the injured .
20 By 1941 Spitfires arrived at Benson and the base became to the top secret photo reconnaissance unit .
21 There are , of course , problems with measuring and interpreting trade union membership since in the United States , for example , some professional bodies may not call themselves trade unions although they engage in bargaining activities and in France the only source of such statistics is from the unions themselves ( or , indirectly , via the support given to the various unions in elections for enterprise committees ) .
22 The support given to the Urban Foundation showed British recognition of the acute shortage of housing for blacks in South Africa 's urban areas , a move welcomed by Nthato Motlana , chairman of Soweto 's civic association .
23 In this way , the original formulation contributes to the overall relevance just as much as the reformulation does .
24 This suggests that even when writers explicitly indicate that they are correcting themselves , as for example in [ 34 ] , the original formulation contributes to the overall relevance of the text .
25 Labour would then benefit from the extra coverage given to the incumbent government .
26 The amount of coverage given to the sexual transgressions of members of the teaching profession suggests that there was the hidden agenda at work of denigrating the professionalism of teachers at a time when they were in industrial conflict with their employers .
27 Service ethos refers to the formal and informal social climate prevailing in a social service agency which influences the extent of use made by different groups of people .
28 The Confederation of Peoples of the Caucasus [ see p. 39155 ] on Nov. 11 ordered partial mobilization in all of its republics , instructing commanders to go to the Chechen capital , Grozny .
29 Figure 1e shows iron-bleomycin cleavage of the insert [ ( TAA ) 4 CG(TTA) 4 ] 2 in which the only cleavage products correspond to the central GT steps .
30 T n regions are not affected by the antibiotic and that the major cleavage products correspond to the two GC steps .
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