Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] the [adj] money " in BNC.

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1 Durham county council 's deputy leader , Coun. Bob Pendlebury , said : ‘ We are making immediate representations to the Government , but if we do not get a favourable response , we will have to cut back our education budget by up to £3m. to find the extra money .
2 If you do it through A B S A , the government will give another ten thousand pounds so of course for the orchestra or the institution whether it 's opera , ballet , concert or whatever is , but it must be arts gets the extra money so of course that in a sense is very enabling .
3 For example , will you instigate an investigation and action to change the Short money as a result of the hon. Members for Liverpool , Broadgreen ( Mr. Fields ) and for Coventry , South-East ( Mr. Nellist ) ceasing to be members of the Labour party ?
4 The student union are taking legal advice about whether they can take any further action to recover the missing money .
5 Or unc In equilibrium , the nominal demand for money equals the nominal money supply so that : unc ( 1 ) Now any increase in the nominal money supply will create an excess supply of money which will lead to an adjustment of portfolios as people attempt to spend their excess money holdings .
6 Mr Patten says the new money would help meet National education and training targets and lift Britain towards the top of international league tables in staying-on rates for 16 to 19-year-olds .
7 A financial services organisation with 280 branches in the UK required the following money transmission services : collection of cheques , collection and supply of cash , direct debiting through BACS , and accurate and speedy account reconciliation .
8 Crueller still is the fact that a loss to 16 fight challenger is likely to rob McKenzie of his last chance to make the big money he richly deserves after 10 years of sterling service .
9 In this case , people receive the extra money either through tax cuts or through increased government expenditure .
10 The British introd-uced the poll tax to colonial Kenya precisely to drive self-sufficient villagers into the plantation economy to earn the real money to pay it .
11 Mike Wilson , managing director of Gameplan , the company which organised the first event last September , said he was still searching for ‘ someone to fire the starting pistol ’ with a commitment to guarantee the necessary money .
12 Finance houses use the wholesale money markets to borrow around 25 per cent of their funds , and raise another 30 per cent from commercial banks .
13 There are so many other causes and sponsorships chasing the same money .
14 You claim on the one hand how wonderful you were in securing grants for under the I D O. You actually sold this city short because you went for the I D O without making sure that your Government paid the extra money that robbed that robbed
15 But he keeps on spending as much as before , topping up his spending account with cash from the piggy-bank , which he replaces with little bits of paper saying that the spending account owes the piggy-bank money .
16 McLean won the big money prize in the draw last Christmas . ’
17 There 's a prize of a Concorde ticket for two for the individual raising the most money overall .
18 But what Brown had overlooked was the First Rule of the Conventional Car Maker : sell as many of the same cars as you can in order to make the most money for the least expenditure .
19 But nowadays , the family needs the extra money and many mothers find there are other rewards .
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