Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] such [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Goldsmiths ' College Certificate offers such a chance .
2 Nevertheless I could not believe that Parliament intended such a construction because it will produce what I regard as such unfair and absurd results .
3 Most authorities lacked such a committee before this except in a shadow , non-statutory form within the majority party caucus .
4 Recent estimates have suggested that up to 40 per cent of the deputies favour such an option , with 30 per cent undecided .
5 ‘ Although it seemed natural to expect that some word match scores should be good enough that they could be considered correct , thereby eliminating attempts to find alternatives to them , in fact all attempts to implement such an intuition seemed to have led to at best indifferent results and usually to positive degradation .
6 ( 8 ) The holder of the licence may appeal to the sheriff against an order made under subsection ( 4 ) above or against a refusal of a licensing board to cancel such an order .
7 This is the relevance of rules ; for the courts to embrace such an issue would be for them to breach the long-standing settlement with regard to the boundaries of parliamentary privilege ( see below , pp.113–19 ) and they would not do it .
8 He feels he needs to spur membership among resellers and commercial end users and will probably use regional educational programmes to support such a drive .
9 The traditional career patterns followed in this country have not produced ministers or civil servants with either the skills or the experience to perform such a task ; and , moreover , business leaders would not welcome the loss of the freedom to run their affairs as they think best .
10 Turkington made such an experiment with white clover in the field at Henfaes ( Turkington & Harper , 1979b ) .
11 Here again , provided the driver has such an opportunity , I can see nothing in the language of the statute which would justify a procedural requirement that the driver be invited to express his own preference for giving blood or urine , either before a constable indicates which specimen he will require or at all .
12 FOREIGNERS must wonder — and this year more than usual — why the British budget causes such a fuss .
13 But experts say such a proposal would not be technically feasible .
14 There are no plans to establish such a centre .
15 Papert explains that Reagan 's election in 1980 put paid to any hopes of obtaining public money to establish such a centre in the United states .
16 The new element is that both the Serbs and the Croats have , for the first time , shown a general willingness to accept such a force .
17 Any internal disciplinary measure to contain such an account is much less likely to become of public concern in the way that the Clive Ponting or the Cathy Massiter prosecutions became notorious causes célèbres .
18 Would a mere slap from an enraged mistress send such a woman fleeing from the shelter of Gloucester Castle ?
19 There were several reasons why Adenauer pursued such a line of argument : it might be a way of helping the new West German state to achieve equality in the international order ; it might placate West German annoyance over the role of the International Ruhr Authority ; and it might in time offer an opportunity for West Germany to regain sovereignty of the coal and steel producing Saar , which still remained in French hands .
20 An attempt to include such a ban sank the last effort at constitutional reform , made by Congress in 1989 .
21 Former Moderator Dr Godfrey Brown is regarded by some as an ideal figure to perform such a role .
22 I yelled at the top of my voice and Jean got such a fright she sent the Cortina swerving all over the road .
23 There may well be long-term effects which will be felt in any subsequent attempt to float such a project .
24 The reluctance of some Labour leaders , most notably Ramsay MacDonald and Philip Snowden , to be too closely associated with the dispute gave the impression that the Labour Party was not fully behind the strikers — although the records of most local Labour parties deny such an impression .
25 Common Law would treat a provision in a contract as to time as being ‘ of the essence of the contract ’ , meaning that if a certain act was not done by one party within a certain stipulated time , he should lose all rights under the contract ; Equity treated such a provision in general as not being of the essence of the contract , but as giving a right only to damages .
26 In his Totem and Taboo Freud made such an act of primal parricide and rape the origin of all subsequent human culture .
27 The reason these worries pose such a problem in marriage relationships is that if we feel insignificant we assume we are unworthy of love and are afraid of the vulnerability that comes with complete openness and honesty .
28 In an attempt to secure such a reduction , national guide-lines were issued in October 1990 , which identified a number of offence-specific factors that would justify a committal , but only where a magistrates ' court feels that its sentencing powers are insufficient .
29 For the clergy to grant such a request as Edward was now making would undoubtedly require , in the archbishop 's mind , papal assent , and so he told the king .
30 ‘ Oh , Mary , I had to journey two centuries to find such a lover !
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