Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv prt] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cardiff moved out on to the landing , still keeping the gun well in front of him , and ready to use it if the thing should show any signs of stirring .
2 Downstairs , the large kitchen looks out on to a spectacular garden , complete with fountains , a stream and sculptured bushes and shrubs .
3 So Angus got up on to the rock and held his fist high and told young McCulloch to stand the hostages on a knoll where everyone could see them and called out the oath above the drone of the pipe : ‘ We do swear — never to swerve — from our present path — till we have cleansed the country — of this oppressive Act .
4 Huge waves crashed down on to us , and the wind drove our helpless ship eastwards into the Pacific Ocean .
5 When the car bumped out on to the tarmac he swung the wheel hard across and turned the car around to face towards his chosen village .
6 Once he had gone , Shiona sank down on to the bed and kicked off her shoes , glad to be alone for a few minutes .
7 ‘ The Keys of Marinus ’ is the one story for Doctor Who Cusick looks back on with a shudder .
8 In a moment , they were far enough out that they could see miles down the rocky shoreline … and they could see the other boaters scrambling up on to a piece of rock .
9 Suddenly two cats on the roof dropped down on to his naked body and woke him .
10 However , when she wrote down ‘ I 'm afraid that if I find a man who loves me … , one evening , she was amazed to find words spilling out on to the paper .
11 I rubbed the creature 's tiny wrist against the broken glass so that blood poured down on to the bed .
12 Moving as quietly and gently as she could to avoid scaring the budgie away , Penny climbed up on to the fence and then , by way of various branches , up the tree .
13 A broad terrace ran round it with tufts of herbs growing on it and broken steps leading down on to the ruins of a lawn .
14 The offices faced out on to the wolf enclosure and as he looked at the pack huddled by the iron fence in the snow he thought how right they looked for once .
15 Shiona climbed out on to the crunchy , gravelled forecourt and looked around her .
16 Finding his animosity wearing , she stared at him wide-eyed , the snow drifting down on to her upturned face .
17 Shiona stepped out on to the landing .
18 The servants had realized what was happening , and brought ladders to climb up on to the roof .
19 Some stores along trendy Melrose , still virtually untouched , are guarded by their owners , luxury cars pulled up on to the sidewalk to block the entrance .
20 Benin turned back to Vasili then gripped the cassette in both hands and snapped it in half , allowing the tape to spill out on to the road .
21 We saw with horror the blood running out on to the ground from his head .
22 We saw with horror the blood running out on to the ground from his head .
23 When the child shrank back against the edge of the bed and made no attempt to climb up on to the mattress , Aggie put a hand to her head before muttering , ‘ I 'm sorry .
24 But ten minutes later , as Frau Nordern was drifting off into an uneasy slumber , Herr Nordern was still at his desk , staring into the darkness , the end of his cigar glowing like a red warning signal as the snow drifted down on to Berlin , and his family , and the city , slept .
25 The car rolled over on to its back with a grinding crash , exposing beneath it the bloodied meat of the two policemen who had been supervising the cordon .
26 Besides , Adam had said it was a long detour to get back on to the main road , if this lane was cut off .
27 As I drove further down the road there were computers thrown out on to the pavement and whole window frames completely blown out into the street .
28 There was still a handful of people down there , identifiable only for brief seconds as they flitted through the pools of light thrown out on to the pavement from cafés and shops .
29 Guido had switched on the engine , and now , with a soft purr , the car headed out on to the road .
30 When the man came forward , he left a good three paces between them , watching the horse shrink back on to his heels .
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