Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [vb infin] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Porter points out , nevertheless , that industry structures do change over time , perhaps due to technological or other developments , and that the firm itself may , through its competitive strategy , change the structure either inadvertently or not .
2 However , most cases of acne do improve with time , so once you 've found a suitable preparation , stay with it until nature finally cures the problem .
3 Nonetheless the composition of households does change over time , perhaps rather more than much recent research has acknowledged .
4 We would like to guarantee that our flights will never be delayed and in fact the vast majority of flights do depart on time .
5 Of course , the rules of games do change over time .
6 One was the periodic factor that wages did increase from time to time -and the other was what he called the adjustment factor which meant that a time might come in any industry when a distortion or trend had to be recognized as such for correction .
7 I never established anything like a friendship with him , but our paths did cross from time to time .
8 Doctors from the hospital told the coroner that although it was ’ highly unusual ’ for such a thing to occur , such complications did arise from time to time .
9 Deaf children 's reading ability does increase over time , however , although it never reaches the levels of hearing children .
10 This colouring does fade in time , if the fish survives the shock of the treatment .
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