Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [to-vb] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 R.A. Hamilton asked that more mature trees be obtained and the chairman agreed to attend to this matter .
2 There are , of course , cases where the user has to resort to good old ASCII , the lingua franca of all computer systems but even here there are tricks that can be employed to make the process a little easier .
3 However , the two parties failed to come to any agreement over plans for the construction of autoroute A16 , linking Boulogne with Amiens .
4 Social Democratic Party seat at risk to Labour : Plymouth Devonport : Dr David Owen 's old seat expected to revert to Labour after heavy job losses at naval dockyard .
5 The government also derived revenue from its privatization programme designed to return to private ownership many of the state companies acquired during the 20-year rule of Marcos .
6 Violinist Nigel Kennedy and Scottish rock group Wet Wet Wet completed a balanced programme designed to appeal to different types of audiences .
7 On the one hand some psycholinguistic data seemed to point to word-by-word recognition ( Cole & Jakimik 1980 ; Marslen-Wilson & Welsh 1978 ) .
8 For most people , a love of animals tends to extend to several pets , the odd donation and perhaps a rally .
9 Moderate weight loss seems to lead to subtle ovulation disorders and therefore to decreasing fecundity .
10 ‘ The king having said this , ill present , both great and small , gave their assent , and renouncing the more imperfect institution resolved to conform to that which they found to be better . ’
11 To borrow money , Sri Lankan businessmen and agriculturalists had to turn to foreign money-lenders — Afghans and the South Indian Nattukottai Chettiars .
12 The clergy had to go to these rather dreadful places , but it was a pity
13 So the school 's package has been used widely used in Britain , but this time the designers had to switch to Russian to get their ideas across .
14 It seems therefore that Cunningham continues to apply to all statutory offences of " maliciously " .
15 Obviously this indirect mechanism by which real income rises as the price level falls could continue for as long as ( a ) the rate of interest continues to fall ; and ( b ) the rate of investment continues to respond to these interest rate reductions .
16 The high speed tumble kept him off a bike until February but Cardus refuses to admit to any worries about his relative lack of testing .
17 Tiny Lalage seemed to shrink to child-size below his near height .
18 To avoid disruption it would be possible for the new statutory definition to apply only to new trusts , leaving the old law to continue to apply to old trusts by way of transition .
19 Aboriginal sacred sites appear to conform to this principle ; each tribe being responsible for its own section of line , visiting the sites at the appropriate season and performing traditional rituals and chants .
20 Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke announced the Gallup findings yesterday as he unveiled a five-point plan designed to lead to better policing .
21 The teacher will be unprepared for change and will not have the flexibility needed to adapt to new situations …
22 One is the way in which selective migration tends to lead to cumulative effects on the origin and destination areas , respectively the vicious circle of decline for those places being denuded of their younger and better qualified people and the virtuous circle of growth resulting from the acquisition of young couples and the upgrading of the labour force .
23 If pay settlements in the private sector continue to decelerate to 2 per cent and the underlying rate of inflation edges up to around 3.75 per cent by the end of this year when the effects of cheaper mortgages start working their way out of consumer budgets , there is little doubt that many individuals will find their real disposable incomes squeezed .
24 He might add that , if there had ever been any prospect that the class war would provide its movement , that prospect had patently disappeared except , ironically , in those eastern European countries bound to submit to Russian supervision .
25 And where a work appears to refer to some external reality ( where the flowers seem , as it were , to be present ) the Formalists would regard this as a mere side-effect of the aesthetic function .
26 Headington Community Education Committee seeks to respond to local needs and interests by providing a wide range of educational opportunities for people of all ages .
27 The Gordon 's ‘ Green ’ campaign continues to be popular in the UK spirits market , using the famous green of the UK Gordon 's livery with a series of witty one liners ‘ Gordon Bennett ’ was a development of this theme in the important pre-Christmas period — the first multi-coloured version of the campaign This recent work gained the highest awareness of any UK spirits advertising in the past five years The ‘ Green ’ campaign continues to appeal to all age groups , but most significantly has continued to improve the brand 's attraction amongst young adults
28 Amidst suspicions that the North Korean government was prevaricating in order to relocate and conceal evidence of its nuclear weapons programme , the South Korean and US governments on March 2 reiterated their demand that North Korea had to submit to inter-Korean and IAEA inspections by April and May respectively .
29 If the assembly council decides to report to next year 's general assembly that the Board of Social Responsibility is the best of all possible places for this work in training and advising ministers and others on health and healing , then we 'll happily accept that .
30 At the same time , the conflict between reason and natural religion on the one hand , and faith and authoritative revelation on the other , opened up an area in which theology had to listen to both sides , to learn from both , and to attempt to find its own way without necessarily falling into either of the sharply polarised alternatives .
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