Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [to-vb] it by " in BNC.

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1 This loss is an empty gap in the characters ' lives and both Celie and Ponyboy try to fill it by installing great love and understanding into their friendships .
2 supplementing the teacher 's expertise with that of the group ( instead of the group and consultant trying to supplant it by showing they can handle things better )
3 If your appliance is dangerous , the engineer has to disconnect it by law .
4 So , some other understanding of alienation is required to validate it as the dynamic which establishes a proletariat and a property-owning bourgeoisie as Marx 's two antinomies predestined to engage in that life-and-death struggle ; and Marx seeks to provide it by postulating alienation as intrinsic .
5 However , its brain was minuscule and Hercules managed to trap it by pretending to be an army and getting the animal confused and tangled in foliage .
6 Scandals involving leading members helped to discredit it by 1925 .
7 It is simply that the Irish government want to achieve it by peaceful means , and the IRA otherwise . ’
8 Most of those who were freaks seemed to declare it by their handwriting , and these she ignored .
9 Anyone else wanting to cash in on the end of the Cold War is advised to get a move on — there 's already been considerable interest in the Wroughton air yard and the agents expect to sell it by the autumn .
10 Seymour Cray is still hopeful of bringing his crippled Cray Computer Corp safely in to land , and this week told shareholders that the pay-off will come not with the Cray-3 , but with the Cray-4 the company is developing — ‘ People who predict that things ca n't be done — I guess I do n't have time for them , ’ he told shareholders sternly — ‘ That 's the challenge that I 'm willing to accept in trying to do things that ca n't be done ’ ; the Cray-3 was launched last month , a decade after Cray started work on it , but the Cray-4 is expected to offer twice the performance at half the cost , and the company hopes to demonstrate it by year-end ; it says it has enough cash to fund operations into September and says it is working with two investment banking firms on fund-raising strategies .
11 Others liked to sell it by the ton ; measure it out after it had been trussed .
12 Still the local commander attempted to retake it by one of those spontaneous counter-attacks , but Pétain now intervened , crying hold , enough .
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