Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [vb pp] her of " in BNC.

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1 Everything David had shown her of himself had made her love him and yet she believed that he had done something unspeakable .
2 As it was , the presence of the tall endocrine specialist had robbed her of most of her appetite .
3 Mrs Robinson , who a few months before had been the mother of a happy and united family , found herself alone in the world ; an inscrutable fate had robbed her of the children who might have consoled her widowhood .
4 The Warden had robbed her of her rightful position of importance in the drama , but at least she could make herself feel better by taking this girl down a peg or two .
5 She did not understand why they should be doing this and her failure to understand reminded her of something .
6 Unless she felt it because her dismissal from that job had deprived her of the sight and sound of Luke Scott ?
7 The absence of the customary guard is connected to the danger Dulé has warned her of , she knows .
8 Scarlet was relieved , since Camille 's adolescent smile had reminded her of the expression on the face of some ancient , alien reptile .
9 Ellie also thrilled to hear it , for it sounded so glamorous , and put her in mind of some of the stories Madame had told her of her early days on the stage .
10 " Oh Christ she said , limp suddenly , as if that one contact had drained her of her vital energy , preparing her , weakening her , for what was to come .
11 After Mr Bush had told her of the US military action by telephone at 7am , an hour after his troops moved in , Mrs Thatcher told reporters : ‘ I believe he was right to do so .
12 She knew this woman had reminded her of Tommy Bellinger !
13 Perhaps too the journey had reminded her of the dreadful certainty that within a few years her beauty would fade , and all these inflated hopes and fears had combined to produce a mood of abandon utterly foreign to her that had found its culmination in that jungle storm .
14 If she lives on her own and poor health has robbed her of a normal social life , it is to be expected that her loneliness may have created such a build-up of unexpressed thoughts , feelings and opinions that she may need to talk herself to a standstill before she is ready to converse with you , and interest herself in anything you have to say .
15 It was the fact that Emma had accused her of not doing anything to prevent her being molested .
16 So , when Nicandra , freed , threw herself uninvited into the depths of an embrace , she took from it no true satisfaction , Aunt Tossie had deprived her of her martyrdom and its crown as well .
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