Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [vb pp] for some " in BNC.

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1 The search for such dating methods has continued for some time , but in the second half of this century several methods have been developed , which provide much better ways of dating some sites and finds .
2 Chapple-Hyam has warned for some days that he is reluctant to risk Rodrigo de Triano , winner of the English and Irish 2,000 Guineas , on soft ground .
3 John Rolfe , conference chairman , said : ‘ People within the industry have known for some time there is a need for such a gathering .
4 The move has been criticized by environmental organizations , which argue that the cars could be fitted with a converter because the cost , around £300 per car , is not prohibitive and that in any case manufacturers have known for some time when the law would come into effect .
5 The Committee has pointed out that nothing is more foolish than to have timetable motions introduced after a Committee has sat for some sessions , perhaps debating the first two or three clauses of a Bill , and then , the guilloting having been introduced , the rest of the Bill — perhaps 60 , 70 or 80 clauses — is rushed through with hardly any debate .
6 NCLE has argued for some time that schools should have coordinated policies on language as a medium for learning and languages as subjects .
7 By the 1870s matters had improved for some : a survey of Nonconformist ministers in the city of Oxford in 1875 showed stipends ranging from £60 p.a. plus house and allowances for a Primitive Methodist minister to about £300 p.a. for the Wesleyan Superintendent of the Oxford Circuit .
8 The Editor had asked for some more films to add to my list to show to your fish .
9 Tim James , the council 's urban woodlands officer , said : ‘ Dutch elm disease has killed some of the trees and the high winds have accounted for some of the pine and larch .
10 It has taken an awful long time to come to fruition — and appears to have needed the departure of founder Ken Olsen to come to fruition , but Digital Equipment Corp is finally to start marketing Apple Computer Inc Macintoshes to major companies in the US , mirroring the arrangement the two companies have had for some time in Europe .
11 The derogation , which applies to all cereals intervened after November 1 , puts UK farmers on a par with their counterparts in northern Europe where the relaxation has applied for some time .
12 Rumours of a military coup had circulated for some time [ see p. 38571 ] .
13 ‘ However , in my opinion the body had lain for some hours after death in a supine position . ’
14 As the official investigation got under way , there were allegations that senior US officials had known for some time of BNL 's dealings with Iraq .
15 Organisations have known for some considerable time that the acquisition , distribution and effective use of information is a key factor in gaining a competitive advantage .
16 The pace of slum clearance slackened in the early 1970s , local authority programmes having survived for some years through their own momentum .
17 The staff has worked for some years to create links with the community and has worked to develop the curriculum , giving special attention to the learning needs of bilingual children .
18 On this occasion , devising a pretext for attacking the auditors has called for some ingenuity .
19 I wondered if it was you when we first got news of the Abbey — no insult just that some people get picked for some jobs .
20 ‘ Headway Intermediate is one of the soundest , most innovative coursebooks to have appeared for some time . ’
21 People have known for some time what has been going on , and I 'm surprised it has taken this long to come out into the open .
22 The Government has argued for some time now that we live in a parliamentary democracy and that all decisions on behalf of the people will be made by Parliament .
23 The Scottish Dairy Trade Federation has said for some time it is not happy with that .
24 It was now criticized as anachronistic , and the German government had signalled for some time its concern over rising costs and their justifiability at a time when German unification put great strains on the public finances [ see also pp. 37212 ; 38508 ] .
25 Fedorov had suspected for some time , and now he knew .
26 Israeli leaders had recognized for some time the need for a powerful outside backer .
27 A number of personal papers were taken away too , together with a hot water bottle bearing the name Benji , and clothes that Mrs Mackenzie had purchased for some of the children in the family of fifteen .
28 Scientists have known for some time that fusion reactions between nuclei of deuterium and tritium are more likely if the nuclear spins line up in the same direction .
29 Both the Inter-Regional Standing Committee for Art and Design Education ( IRSCADE ) and NATFHE have pressed for some form of national validation of foundation courses and the former organization , having collected views from the colleges offering the courses , has listed five future possibilities .
30 The Special Branch had known for some weeks that he was in Germany .
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