Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pers pn] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 September ICI wins Us Environmental Protection Agency Stratospheric Ozone Protection Award for the commercial introduction of ‘ Klea ’ 32 .
2 In 1954 Sir Winston Churchill appointed him financial secretary to the Treasury under his old Marlborough friend , R. A. Butler ( later Baron Butler of Saffron Walden , q.v . ) .
3 Just take a look got me little list knocking round .
4 Their publication was a speculation which — so far as it made me known & procured me employment in Zoological drawing — answered my expectations — but in matters of money occasioned me considerable loss .
5 Mary-Lou stuffed her English grammar into the back of her desk and pulled out a French one .
6 If B is threatened with a tort it is , of course , equally true that he may bring an action for damages if the tort is committed or bring an action for a quia timet injunction first , but , especially where the threat is of violence , it is perhaps less realistic to say that these legal remedies afford him adequate protection against the consequences of resistance .
7 My glance allowed me sufficient time to register an abundance of well-washed hair , a rosy cheerful face , a loose-hanging tweed coat and heavily-patterned woollen stockings .
8 We have already pointed out that clarinets in unison with high trumpets give them increased roundness of tone and certainty of attack .
9 The singer was following an old tradition of adapting the ceremony to give it contemporary relevance , adding to the festival 's famous ‘ four questions ’ about the meaning of Passover a new and troubling one .
10 And as students of the star signs will verify , the cuspate divisions help explain his ability to carve the characters he plays into different personality fragments to give them added depth .
11 MORE than 1,000 Maxwell pensioners and print workers yesterday staged a rally and lobby of Parliament to step up their campaign for Government action to give them long-term security for their pensions .
12 A great shudder went through the old house , as with a sickening crunch the weight hit her front wall .
13 By night , Kos really comes to life and boasts two of the best discos in Greece and lots of bars and tavernas to keep you happy well into the early hours of the morning .
14 The doctors have a word for that misery ; they call it anhedonia , which only means an inability to feel enjoyment , and that 's what it is , but it feels like hell , like true hell , and it 's a hell you ca n't even escape from in sleep because overdosing on cocaine gives you chronic insomnia . ’
15 Now Delia Sutherland gave him proper attention .
16 We were taken into a small chapel and some Spanish border guards gave us hot coffee and bread .
17 Two avoidable goals gave them valid concern .
18 By-employments such as basket-making , hemp-dressing and wild-fowling gave them additional security .
19 Modern technology is now so sophisticated the microprocessor-based design of the teleprinter gives it enormous power and flexibility .
20 But on my return to Salamanca Dana gave me strong support , a spiritual courage that entered our love and our poetry .
21 But , gradually , I realised that kinky underwear gives me sexual freedom .
22 The mayor Gallery was also there and both Freddy Mayor and Charles Gimpel gave me enormous support .
23 Former President Bush indicated America 's readiness to offer US military lift , logistics , communications and intelligence capabilities to support peace-keeping operations .
24 He described the views of some American politicians that ‘ Nicaragua threatens US national security and that there are , or shortly will be , Soviet military bases there ’ as ‘ too fanciful ’ to merit much attention .
25 Estée Lauder research brings you new Time Zone Moisture Recharging Complex
26 I should not let them linger , wasting time , wasting money , until the spring brings them fresh hope .
27 ‘ Snodgrass , ’ Oliver remarked , picking up Angela 's quotation , when at last they reached the safety of the gardens far below , ‘ do not let me be baulked in this matter — do not obtain the assistance of several stalwart Lionisers to carry me prostrate back to Broadstairs , do not listen to me when I say never , never again shall I visit a sight connected to the late great Mr Charles Dickens .
28 I have made it a point of honour to spare you moral blackmail of the ‘ Do you honestly suppose for a single moment that I would be capable of stooping to such beastliness ? ’ variety , and I shall not waver even at this supreme moment .
29 That disparity causes me great concern .
30 The Russians should have the courtesy to move over for some miles into middle Asia , where there is an abundance of space that lies close to them but far from us : let Russia give us sufficient coast on the Black Sea so that , from there we can resettle our beggars and peasants in Asia Minor …
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