Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Alison met him in the same bar .
2 Father Devlin clapped him on the shoulder with a large heavy hand .
3 Devlin clapped him on the shoulder .
4 He said he only needed to do two or three locums at these school clinics to see him round the other half of the world and he went off .
5 The animal began to gnaw at the ropes binding her to the altar .
6 I loved it when a whole pile of notes met me in the morning and I did not surface till lunchtime .
7 A branch whipped him in the face .
8 This uncertainty might , on the one hand , encourage social commentators in the attitude expressed by a writer in The Economist in 1848 : ‘ In our condition suffering and evil are nature 's admonitions ; they can not be got rid of ; and the impatient attempts of benevolence to banish them from the world by legislation , before benevolence has learnt their object and their end , have always been productive of more evil than good . ’
9 We might conceive of the aside as occupying a zone midway between the play and the audience ; we continue to experience the play , but we do so via the new information or attitudes given us by the character or characters speaking the asides .
10 How many uplifts should I use , and do I need special adaptors to connect them to the filter ?
11 Data could pop up in boxes around the screen , and in due course graphics , mice and icons led us into the wimps era ( window , icon , menu , pointer ) .
12 However , the prior hypothesis led us to the finding in the rural high oil worker category ( table II , both for all ages and the 0–4 age group .
13 There is little evidence that peasant faith declined , but the authority of village priests was progressively undermined : in terms of culture and way of life they differed too little from the ordinary villagers to inspire much respect , and the miserly provision made them by the State resulted in constant friction over money matters between priest and parishioner .
14 Are Oxford for the drop , can Swindon make it to the premier league play-offs ?
15 Contemporaries distrusted them in the belief that they brought an unsavoury speculative element to the market in stocks .
16 During the two shorts months that it took to draft the White Paper , opposition could be quelled , using the new powers and wholehearted support given him by the Prime Minister .
17 But after three disappointing Five Nations games , Ciaran Fitzgerald drafted him into the side — as well as making him captain — for the game in Paris .
18 It may take several releases and many months before the company starts to see a return on its investments , so it is essential for an indie to have a relatively solid financial base to see it through the difficult early stages and to sustain the levels of promotion until an act on the label breaks .
19 She said she did not want any birthday presents unless they could be enjoyed by everyone , so her friends spent £500 on young trees and got permission to plant them around the town .
20 The Tisseran itself is now in the Bate Collection ( illus.4 ) : its painted and gilded case reminding us of the harpsichord the princess is playing in The music party .
21 Bernie Scholtz passed her on the iron stairs as she was hurrying out .
22 In the first place , becoming a housewife impresses them by the very openness of the role [ ? ] and by the freedom they now have from constraining supervision …
23 MacDonald read it to the members of the Cabinet ( imposing further conditions before a loan would be given ) .
24 The web tangled and clung mawkishly around her reasoning as Fernando lowered her to the bed .
25 His talents , his wealth , and the changing times raised him to the court of assistants of the Levant Company from 1644 to 1648 , and in 1645 Parliament appointed him to the Goldsmiths ' Hall committee , through which Royalists redeemed their sequestrated estates by paying compositions .
26 He quotes the view of Aristo , who produces two arguments : first , that by analogy with relegatio dotis and the stipulatio emptae hereditatis the word ‘ sums ’ should be held to include objects as well as money ; second , that intention is particularly important in trusts , and it appears to be the testator 's intention in first speaking generally of ‘ sums ’ and then mentioning certain objects to include them in the expression too .
27 Sotheby 's , determined to protect Irises ’ ‘ most expensive ’ tag , repossessed it , and in March sold it to the Getty museum , probably for $40 to $45 million .
28 The search for counter-examples led them to the history of the family and of the primitive local community which they saw as kinship based .
29 The Minotaur was finally slain by Theseus , who found his way out of the labyrinth by trailing a skein of thread given him by the king 's daughter , ARIADNE .
30 His son , a bachelor of twenty-five , became King Henry V , and he experienced a couple of attempts to usurp him during the first year , but by August 1415 he was able to sail with an invasion fleet of 1500 vessels to France , where he withstood an attack launched on 25th .
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