Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [art] many " in BNC.

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1 This indicates that drinking is often a response to an inability to cope with the many losses of old age .
2 Perhaps the best hope for progress lies in the many examples of good practice that already exist and which the Act simply reflects and builds on .
3 We are grateful for the opportunity to comment on the many important proposition for future policy and action by CCW contained in this paper .
4 But that is all we are told and the relative weight given to the many relevant considerations , both favourable and unfavourable , is not disclosed .
5 Much as technology seems to gather pace with the development of more and more sophisticated equipment so do the methods employed by the many users .
6 Once established , a pool needs very little maintenance compared with the many delights it offers .
7 These dances mattered very much to Petipa and all nineteenthcentury balletmasters because they were expected to show off the wealth of talent found in the many imperial , Royal and State theatres , e.g. all the characters from other fairy tales who came to Aurora 's wedding and the character dances in Swan Lake .
8 Taking these two points into consideration leads us to the conclusion that meaningful chain dimensions can only be values averaged over the many conformations assumed .
9 However , in the USA , the chemical fallout from industry and agriculture has prompted an environmental expert to warn of the many unseen air pollutants which are not covered by the Clean Air Act and are damaging not only to human health — linked to ills from leukaemia to heart disease — but are implicated in the formation of ‘ acid rain' which has devastated vast tracts of forest ( Begley , 1988 ) .
10 Members played a large part in their local communities working with the many charitable organisations .
11 Yoghurt Muesli is a unique product with a crisp bite aimed at the many consumers who eat yoghurt with muesli .
12 Artistic , in the best sense , they fretted because of the inflated sense of importance developed by the many people of inferior talent around the industry .
13 The properties of individuals emerge from the many aspects of the complex whole .
14 The programme has reflected the needs arising from the many relief projects in Africa as well as the efforts being made to help improve the management of transport in health and other programmes .
15 The energy management assistance scheme , which will come into place on 1 April , will grant-aid energy efficiency projects for smaller businesses — a new initiative to add to the many others that my Department already runs .
16 Teams of officials from Britain , Hong Kong and China had spent five days haggling over the many points of disagreement left over from the visit of Douglas Hurd , the British foreign secretary , to China last month .
17 This thickening is the area of the postsynaptic membrane which contains the receptor molecules and which traps the transmitter released from the many small vesicles visible packed into the presynaptic terminal .
18 In his reference to the poll tax , the hon. Member for Teignbridge referred to the many things that had to be built on to it and the many anomalies that had to be addressed .
19 He was an inventor , and designed quick-selling gadgets which he used his showman-like qualities to retail at the many regional and metropolitan exhibitions being organized in the last quarter of the nineteenth century .
20 The theorists ' problems stem from the many different ways quarks have of getting from A to B. On the way , they can emit or absorb any number of gluons ( particles which carry the strong nuclear force ) , so the possibilities are endless .
21 Counselling can play a vital part in helping retired , or retiring , elderly people to cope with the many dilemmas and pressures such attitudes place upon them .
22 The government plan 's provisions , said Gaidar , coincided with some suggestions made in the many alternative economic reform programmes currently in circulation , including that of Civic Union .
23 It is considered essential for employers and students to have access to easily understood information about the types of qualifications offered by the many institutions across the spectrum of the European countries .
24 I was overcome by the warmth of feeling displayed by the many thousands of people who lined the route of our march-past .
25 The celebration of this World Communications Day underlines the need for the Church to respond to the many unprecedented changes brought about by the communications media and their effects on modern living .
26 I think that the whole business was just another gimmick to add to the many introduced to the Church over these last 20 years .
27 Private worlds , whether they are families or voluntary societies , turn out to be delusory sources of personal freedom : disillusionment and hopelessness follow behind the many human philosophies and religious ideas that modern men and women discard as carelessly as consumer toys .
28 Mr Chance has written a book based on the many talks he has given , papers he has written and conferences he has attended a record of his years working with the mentally handicapped .
29 The demands for in-service training generated by the many needs of the Education Reform Act 1988 may well have overshadowed the need for training in child protection .
30 In the last quarter of the 19th century sections of double track were opened in order to cope with the many freight and passenger trains which used the line , which of course saved many miles between the NW of England and SW Wales .
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