Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] her for " in BNC.

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1 Tiny red eyes gleamed at her for a moment before disappearing .
2 Having met Hermione Farthingale , David lived with her for a year .
3 Even now he had learnt that Pete Foster , the man being investigated for murder and fraud in the Docks , a hard man , was terrified of his old mother and had kept his successful career in crime hidden from her for sixteen years .
4 He stood within the doorway looking at her for a moment .
5 The county court judge gave judgment for the mother in an action brought by her for the £1 per week based upon the father 's undertaking .
6 Travis stared at her for a second or two , then reached for the champagne bottle .
7 wishes to retire as Editor after the May issue of Medau News , and our thanks go to her for a long and excellent Editorship .
8 The blue eyes bored into her for a long moment , and she fought the urge to look away from his coldly penetrating look .
9 Her reminiscences were a delight to Constance and the things she learned from her friend 's rambling monologues stayed with her for life .
10 She stopped to catch a child by the hand and whisper some word which was rewarded with a kiss , then caught the corner of her veil to cover her already masked face as the chief driver came towards her for a quick answer to a query , always given and received after the words of greeting and queries as to health had been exchanged .
11 Perry stares at her for a moment , and then examines her arm .
12 In fact , she did not realise she was to have the honour conferred on her for a few days after the letter arrived .
13 Those which her husband offered to her for signature she signed without question ; those offered by others she would ask for the document to be explained .
14 Maurice stared after her for a moment .
15 Another tangled virgin called on her for help against a dragon , called on her though she had thought that her time was past and the dragons had all departed .
16 Mr Braybrooke looked at her for a long moment .
17 Langton looked at her for a moment , then reached into his desk .
18 Infected by his laughter the wife of the younger mandarin smiled , and Joseph looked at her for the first time .
19 The Inspector turned to her for the first time , but if he was cheered by her observation he gave no sign of his approval .
20 One can imagine how ordinary people coming to her for help would have gone away cheered and instructed by this sane visionary .
21 Simone looked at her for a moment .
22 Simone looked at her for a while , then she said , ‘ Now , about next Wednesday .
23 When people apologized to her for breaking a glass or making a remark which , upon sober reflection , they found themselves regretting she would smile the vague smile of the hostess who is at once too preoccupied and too superior to notice the faux pas of those around her .
24 The other woman stared at her for a long moment , then , with great dignity , collected up the papers lying on the desk in front of her and got to her feet .
25 Artegall remains with her for a time and restores order :
26 Gary stared at her for a moment , pins spewing from his mouth and catching on the front of his black jersey .
27 So it was natural for Sarah to turn to her for help in her troubles — and last year 's annual royal holiday pilgrimage to Balmoral seemed the perfect opportunity .
28 A deep lump seemed to fill Laura'a throat as the little blonde girls clung to her for some minutes .
29 She had curled up in the deep old window seat , the velvet coverlet from the bed wrapped about her for warmth , and had drifted in and out of an uneasy sleep .
30 Alina looked at her for a while .
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