Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] me [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Speaking through an interpreter , Mr Usta said : ‘ As far as I can figure it out , one day before the operation the cheque was given by Dr Crockett , it was changed and the money given to me that night . ’
2 The quality of their companionship seemed to me palpable in that coloured eight-by-five .
3 Bonanza boasted to me that with his organisation he 'd be sure and locate Connie himself within that time .
4 My kids write to me all the time . ’
5 Superintendent said to me one day , ‘ You do n't like this fellow very well . ’
6 But that we become committed to it as the way to save the country and the peace appears to me full of dangers . ’
7 When Disllokey nods to me this morning it is with a distant seriousness , as if he is already bracing himself to lose his identity in the harshly impersonal world across the water .
8 As some of Mr. Gould 's descriptions appeared to me brief , I have enlarged them , but have always endeavoured to retain his specific character ; so that , by this means , I trust I shall not throw any obscurity on what he considers the essential character in each case ; but at the same time , I hope , that these additional remarks may render the work more complete .
9 Mick said to me last night , he said to me you can never fit not used to it , but
10 Miss O'Keeffe 's work suggests to me that kind of passionate mysticism that clouds the seeing eye with visions false to it , like some sweet drug .
11 To ‘ sigh ’ two-note groups seem to me appropriate only when the music really expresses a sigh !
12 What gives you the right to talk to me this way ?
13 Gog talked to me this morning , ’ she said .
14 American intervention seems to me certain " .
15 If it 's alright then I 'll come home cos Mr said to me last night , oh you want to stay here the night .
16 ‘ Now is your opportunity to put to me any questions you have on the detailed implications for the people of the World of the Council 's decisions . ’
17 I find it easier to get angry at the stuff happening around me these days because I 'm no longer naive enough to think it 'll simply sort itself out .
18 ‘ To be a poet and a librarian , even if unusual , has a certain appropriateness , but to be a poet and a policeman seems to me eccentric , even perverse . ’
19 This case seems to me clear authority that the court has no jurisdiction to review the decision of a visitor made within his jurisdiction .
20 er actually who are all in front , mostly from Stanton which I represent , they have made their views known to me some years ago , er this might happen , erm I 'm very glad that you have responded now to their concerns as well as the concerns of the villages and , and this paper does mark significant erm success co-operation between a lot of people involved and for that reason I welcome it , I would ask if it becomes be prepared to make it six months instead of three months please .
21 Here endeth the book named the dictes or syengis of the philosophres enprynted by me william Caxton at Westmestre the yere of our lord MCCCC Lxxvii .
22 At the time , people felt they had secure jobs er in the M O D and the dockyard and so people accepted that with pensions and everything that goes with that sort of secure job , now of course the whole situation is enormously diff different and I was saying to , I have some French people staying with me this morning and I was , they were asking me about wages and I was saying to my daughter who works er on a Thursday evening in the local Sainsburys , earns more per hour than a friend of mine , well two friends of mine , one of whom is a carpenter , a fully qualified carpenter and the other is a motor mechanic , and that 's an indication of the sort of level of wages that people are paid in this area .
23 The question whether he was conscious of all these layers when writing seems to me unanswerable .
24 The prospect seems to me unprecedented and highly undesirable .
25 One week of Michael 's month in hospital , Shanti and Chris were away on holiday , but Sara stayed with me all that week .
26 ’ , ‘ Comfortable woman needed , good with children … ’ , when the thought came to me that , with a roof over my head and just about enough money to live on , there was no real need for me to work at all .
27 Another door opened to me last year when my daughter presented me with a gorgeous grandson , Simon , the same daughter who was instrumental in my first joining the Brownie Pack so many years ago !
28 ‘ I 'm not having her next door peering at me all day . ’
29 Whether the draftsman of sub-rule ( 3 ) had in mind the possibility that costs might , for contractual reasons , need to be taxed on some other basis than standard or indemnity seems to me doubtful .
30 On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me twelve drummers drumming eleven pipers piping ten lords a leaping nine ladies dancing eight maids a milking seven swans a swimming six geese are laying five gold rings four calling birds three french hens two turtle dove and a partridge in a pear tree .
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