Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] them [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Masai were elusive , even when constantly told they had nothing to fear , and consequently the British administration found itself engaged for fifty years in a ceaseless struggle to impose on them some measure of control .
2 ‘ We are all men of the world ’ — he excluded the Archdeacon from eye contact and addressed himself exclusively to the Dean — ‘ so of course we know , do we not , that problems of that sort for young clergy bring with them all kinds of undesirable connections .
3 And they are demanding massive insurance cover from Eastern Suburbs when Martin Offiah plays for them next summer .
4 From my discussions with British Rail , I know that it made specific proposals for the diversion of at least four of the crossings and that the Ramblers Association objected to them all .
5 Now she was safely east-north-east in her green canopy , her pale lips laughing at them all .
6 Manipulating his zimmer with dexterity , Chatterton nodded at them both and left .
7 John pointed out that Scottish Amicable was one of the big six offices securing between them 60 per cent of the total IFA business in 1991 .
8 A major difficulty is that the inert gases account for only a small fraction of the volatiles known at the surfaces and in the atmospheres of the three planets , where the volatiles almost entirely consist of CO 2 , H 2 O , N 2 and O 2 , or of compounds derived from them such as carbonates , hydroxy-silicates and nitrates .
9 A slightly different slant is provided by Clarke ( 1978 ) , who maintains that , in developing their earliest relationship to the game , young working-class fans brought with them traditional soccer/shop-floor values , such as partisanship , toughness , masculinity and collectivism .
10 My grateful thanks go to them all .
11 The means of mass transportation and communication , the commodities of lodging , food and clothing , the irresistible output of the entertainment and information industry carry with them prescribed attitudes and habits , certain intellectual and emotional reactions which bind the consumers more or less pleasantly to the producers and through the latter to the whole .
12 ( Princes ) do not have the right to say that they find the books dedicated to them atrocious or that the music which they play for them scorches their ears …
13 Leys refers to them both , but only applies one to the Kenyan situation , that of the creation of state posts to absorb the unemployed surplus population formed by changing relations of production .
14 The metal bedsteads were white , the cotton covers on them white , and the children lying straight and still wore white gowns .
15 But , at the same time this training must in no circumstances produce in them that destructive feeling of guilt , known as a ‘ guilt complex ’ .
16 It 's like church with the sun shining through them coloured windows and pictures of Jesus with light all round and angels floating in the sky and the sun shining and all that .
17 Dominic looked at them both enquiringly , but there was no response .
18 And they 've got an Inspector and Sargeant seconded to them all the time , and a highly paid civilian and other civilian staff
19 Simon Swan answered for them all .
20 Here , in the clearest indication yet that their marriage is over , Charles froze his wife out of official duties planned for them both .
21 As he moved backwards and forwards she thrust her hips up to meet him at every stroke , a jumble of feelings and emotions raging through them both .
22 Coleridge 's headlong arrival into the lives of William and Dorothy Wordsworth remained for them all a charged and exhilarating memory .
23 In short , we may conclude that there is no need to suppose that industrial co-operatives in particular can not become large , or even very large , and remain successful businesses and authentic co-operatives but that the need to accommodate within them satisfactory constituencies may well affect their structure .
24 If the world 's 1984 stockpile of nuclear weapons were compressed into bombs of the size dropped on Hiroshima , it would take 4,600 years to go through them all if they were let off at the rate of one a day .
25 She felt an almost hysterical desire to scream at them all .
26 Thus South Africa and the USSR provide between them 94 per cent of the world 's platinum-group metals , 65 per cent of its vanadium , 60 per cent of its chromium and 58 per cent of its manganese .
27 A tall , dark figure who had no pole moved amongst them issuing commands , and slowly the flatboat drew over to the bank .
28 Sometimes it was Ruth 's job to look after them both , though not often , since Edward had his own governess , Miss Fitch , who was omnipresent and jealously guarded her position .
29 Rain walked past them all , turned left and went through open glass doors to a terrace .
30 Is there a definite theme running through them all ?
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