Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , just before it died , there was what looked like a length of white cotton thread hanging from the anal vent .
2 Many clinicians have seized the opportunities implicit within the clinical directorate structure believing that in a cash limited system the most positive response to any threat to clinical freedom is to become involved in the discussions stemming from the financial restriction .
3 An important motivator for units to apply for trust status was the freedom to borrow from the public and private sectors to finance capital investment .
4 Would Johnny appear to hang in mid-air , suspended on some invisible support hidden from the interested gaze of Cassie 's contemporaries ?
5 What a relief for Great Britain that Gregory has agreed to tour and gone back on his original decision to retire from the international scene .
6 Israel will have to trim its army because of a £320-million deficit stemming from the Palestinian uprising , a military source said yesterday in Jerusalem .
7 The approach to these projects differs from the earlier generation of higher cost ventures .
8 A less well-known example is of H. V. Hilprecht , an archaeologist at Pennsylvania University who in 1893 was given drawings of fragments of agate excavated from the Babylonian temple of Bal at Nippur .
9 The projects deriving from the first phase of the research programme cover topics like small firms , unemployment , career education in , and further education beyond , school , the agricultural sector in the economy , housing and the labour market .
10 Technically , it is on commercial grounds , and they can not recoup the money made from the everyday operation of the reactor to pay for the refurbishment of the reactor , that is true .
11 The theory of integrative levels emerged , the essence being that the world of entities evolves from the simple towards the complex by an accumulation of properties or influences from the environment .
12 The new provision differs from the old in one significant way , by altering the terminology in which the Act is couched from the senior police officer 's ‘ opinion ’ that he is unable to prevent the serious public disorder to ‘ reasonably believes ’ that the imposition of conditions will not enable him to preserve order .
13 The government has thus attempted to restrict local authority discretion by reducing the level of income received from the central government via cuts in the RSG and through rate capping .
14 The island community Nichols studied traditionally spoke Gullah , a creole variety developed from the African/English pidgin of early slave plantations .
15 The crystallization isotherms of poly ( ethylene terephthalate ) can be fitted by equation ( 11.3 ) using n = 4 above 473 K and n = 2 at 383 K. The equation should be used with caution , however , as non-integer values have been reported and the geometric shape of the morphological unit is not always that predicted by the value of n calculated from the experimental data .
16 Nevertheless , the fact that these bound states arose from the well-defined N = 8 theory should enable us to make a number of predictions that could be tested at energies that are accessible now or will be in the near future .
17 The sum of £250 had been borrowed from Joseph Barnard , the treasurer , to make good the actual deficiency which ‘ had not arisen from any defect or negligence whatever in the management of the institution , but on the contrary arose from the great success of the Infirmary and the high reputation it had acquired , so that the number of patients had increased rapidly ’ .
18 Other element maps formed from the perceived surface counters of this work reflected similar levels of discrimination .
19 For example , an ex gratia payment is not automatically treated as meeting any liability stemming from the basic award .
20 No sound of any kind rose from the hot deserted streets — no traffic noise , no hustle of people , no children , no animals .
21 On March 30 a group of 14 Kurdish deputies resigned from the Social Democratic Popular Party ( SHP ) , which was junior partner in the governing coalition dominated by the True Path Party ( DYP ) .
22 It resulted in last year 's decision to close the European exploration headquarters in Glasgow with the transfer of key personnel to work from the main North Sea operational base in Aberdeen , a process which should be completed by the end of this year .
23 ‘ Photo ’ regulating — it allows the skin to benefit from the positive effects of daytime whilst preventing the formation of free radicals .
24 Diehard opinions ranged from the virulent obscurantism of Northumberland , Page Croft and Cooper , who saw politics as a black-and-white struggle between good British imperial-minded Christians and Jewish-dominated marxist wreckers , to the high-minded Association of Independent Peers , who were primarily concerned with the effect of coalition on the standards of public life and its failure to halt the drift towards class politics .
25 Harry Pascoe shouted from the far end of the room , and young Jan Lanyon , who sailed with him , put up his firsts and echoed : Aye — just let 'em try ! "
26 Towyn north beach good for dogfish but flounder and dabs reported from the southern section at Penllyn and the rifle range .
27 Mr Angell responded that it would not be feasible for Moscow to leap from the present unconvertible rouble to the complex Western system of floating exchange rates , or to a dollar or yen-backed rouble .
28 The origins of Sudan 's severe debt crisis go back to the policies pursued from the early 1970s onwards .
29 I accept that on the River Creedy the foam comes from effluent discharged from the three sewage treatment works upstream .
30 Most of her life was spent pushing barges loaded with silt dredged from the narrow canals around Birmingham .
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