Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A good proportion of our work concerned our availability to act as an unacknowledged arm of the social welfare service to drug users in crisis situations , providing a front-line service for the ‘ speed freaks who 's OD 'd on the results of a bent script ’ , or the ‘ acid heads having a bad trip ’ , for we were in the streets , the pubs , the clubs , the crash pads , and communal houses frequented by the new ‘ alternative society ’ .
2 From these expressions it is clear that , for specific choices of initial data , the curvature singularity formed by the interacting waves degenerates to a coordinate singularity .
3 The baby had rejected milk given by the foster mother .
4 The establishment of the NIRC was a political act aimed at trying to contain trade union power within particular rules prescribed by the Industrial Relations Act 1971 .
5 It 's not clear how many people participated in the event in Britain or elsewhere by carrying out local ascents , raising sponsorship for the ten lifeline projects designated by the United Nations .
6 This is achieved by limiting the range of cases heard by the High Court , by extending the jurisdiction of the county court , ensuring that , in most cases , the same remedies are available in the county court as in the High Court , amending the transfer system , reviewing the costs sanction system that applies when a case is taken inappropriately in the High Court , improving the trial facilities at county courts by concentrating trials at centres where continuous trial facilities are available , providing new centres , creating a new tier of Circuit judges to take additional civil jurisdiction burdens , and increasing the number of people eligible for appointment as county court and district registrars or district judges .
7 The first cases heard by the special courts had been on Sept. 6 , involving charges of financial irregularities against three former ministers , Jehangir Badar ( whose case was dismissed on Sept. 12 on grounds of insufficient evidence ) , Khwaja Ahmed Tariq Rahim , and Ahmed Khan Maneka .
8 If the reasons given by the chief officer of police are such that a court concludes that no reasonable officer could form the judgment that serious disruption would ensue , it is possible that the courts will prove readier to intervene than they ever were under the previous legislation , which referred to ‘ serious public disorder ’ only .
9 Rather , the reasons given by the young people followed a consistent pattern of circumstances .
10 If the planning application is persisted with , I support the plea for calling it in , for the reasons given by the hon. Member for Beaconsfield .
11 The horror provoked by the anti-Catholic Gordon Riots of 1780 was not just a response to their ferocity .
12 This failure is due not to cussedness but to ignorance of what Parliament intended by the obscure words of the legislation .
13 Analysis of political power in terms of ‘ agenda-setting ’ , with distinctions between ‘ institutional ’ and ‘ systemic ’ agendas , derives largely from the non-decision-making approach and is the nearest neo-elitism has come to producing general models of the kind favoured by the traditional elitists .
14 In its shadow , in a square of orange brickwork part hidden by the long grass , stood a circular pool .
15 I have a file here of R&D projects undertaken by the late Head of SimFic , the traitor , Berdichev .
16 In this period of rapid social change , involving families moving from the countryside to the town , the support given by the wider network of relatives was of great importance for individual families .
17 That committee , which had its first meeting last month , will examine progress on local programmes and will co-ordinate action in response to joint plans developed by the two cross-border communities .
18 But Mr Fallon has replied , saying he was ‘ puzzled ’ at her request that the Government matched the funding given by the Two Castles Housing Association .
19 But in a letter to the Times , a group of scientists , including many from Oxford , claim that over the past twelve years , the lack of funding given by the Conservative government has led to a ’ dramatic deterioration in the quality and depth of British science . ’
20 If a barchan formed by the prevailing wind ( Fig. 11.7A ) is subject to a strong wind from another direction ( Y on Fig. 11.7B ) , it will tend to swing round with the development of an incipient new wing at C and the overdevelopment of wing A. If the prevailing wind , X , again dominates , there will be a tendency for the dune to revert to its original form ( Fig. 11.7C ) .
21 Work is in hand to examine the relationship between existing HNC and HND courses in Agriculture developed by the Scottish Agricultural College and Lead Body standards at Level III and IV with a view to establishing SVQs .
22 A sub-contractor who fails to supply the 715 voucher may have his certificate withdrawn by the Inland Revenue .
23 : It can be seen from the first of the above tables that the mean coverage given by the second level ( 8% ) is just over half that of the first level ( 14% ) .
24 With their shareholders lulled by the regulatory safety net strung under them and lured by the prospect of fat and easy profits , many banks in the 1980s went for growth instead .
25 Now the army is back in control and has marked its victory by boosting up new pictures of Saddam , always with the same smile , the white of his teeth emphasized by the dark moustache .
26 The other major assumption made from this approach is that the territorial cleavages formed by the centre-periphery divide are not superimposed exactly on other social and political cleavages ; on the contrary .
27 New products developed by the best-performing machine-tool makers tended to start their lives with ‘ fuzzy ’ specifications , allowing for significant design changes before they reached the customer .
28 He began to touch her very lightly , his hand stroking her face , the curve of her throat , and the cool skin exposed by the low neck of her top .
29 Never at any stage was the challenger intimated by the controversial and eccentric Eubank — now unbeaten in 36 fights .
30 The permission given by the 1969 Act for no-fault divorce was driven as much by a profound rethinking of the sources of morality by clerical and academic opinion as by the determined pursuit of individual self-interest on the part of either the population at large or lawyers in particular .
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