Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] she to the " in BNC.

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1 The animal began to gnaw at the ropes binding her to the altar .
2 The web tangled and clung mawkishly around her reasoning as Fernando lowered her to the bed .
3 She confessed that the bitter jibes and over-exposure led her to the precipice .
4 Her General Practitioner referred her to the surgical Outpatients Clinic where the surgeon examined her and placed her on the waiting list for stripping ( removal ) of varicose veins .
5 She was still deep in thought when the sound of a car drew her to the window .
6 He had been about to open the door into the kitchen , but now he turned and looked at her , and his next words cut her to the bone as they were apt to do when they spat the truth at her .
7 His weight toppled her to the air-bed that shushed and bounced beneath them .
8 Two quick steps took her to the vacated table where she seized the bottle of aquavit , neatly topping up both glasses .
9 Pink took her to the garden and showed her the rose arch .
10 Her half-sister took her to the police .
11 She went round to her former home in Hardwicke , Gloucestershire , where she was beaten unconscious by Probyn , who put her back into her Renault 19 car took her to the River and some how pushed her in .
12 He made no attempt to present her to the other man , however , apparently so deep in thought that he seemed to have forgotten her very existence .
13 David introduced her to the warden , then they made their way to the residents ' common-room where Rachel was given a rapturous welcome by her new friends , in particular by a young Down 's syndrome woman called Belinda whose delight at seeing her again was only too apparent .
14 On arrival at the farm Edward introduced her to the herdsman then went on to his house , promising to come back shortly .
15 When they drew apart at last Travis carried her to the nearest armchair , cradling her across his lap .
16 ‘ His indifference pushed her to the edge whereas he could have romanced her to the end of the world .
17 Despairing of ever finding any use for her , her parents sold her to the military , a callous practice common in the commercially minded years of the mid-twenty-fourth century .
18 She had also found herself a sponsor to support her to the tune of £100 a year .
19 She often used to say she could n't believe how some people behaved , and the promiscuity and drinking shook her to the core .
20 Her friend Angela , who worked for Tiller every year in pantomime , asked Jane to accompany her to the stage door of the Hippodrome Theatre , Manchester , to pick up a contract .
21 The gallery sent her to the guillotine after seeing the Mirror 's pictures of her South of France frolics with John Bryan .
22 The end of the passage brought her to the head of the kitchen stairs the head of a mine-shaft .
23 Three powerful strokes brought her to the rail where she went straight into an underwater turn and headed down the pool .
24 A further door led off to the right , with a tiled passage taking her to the bathroom , and another large square room at the end , which was probably the dining-room .
25 The Eladeldi watched as the cop marched her to the end of the alley , where his double was waiting in the hover .
26 The driver was given directions to take her to the doctor that Julius had contacted .
27 A waiter led her to the table she 'd booked downstairs , and left her to study the menu .
28 She turned her face away , embarrassment bringing her to the brink of tears .
29 Desire shook her to the very foundations of her being .
30 Izanami died when giving birth to the fire god , and the distraught Izanagi followed her to the Land of Gloom , where he was appalled by the sight of her body infested with maggots .
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