Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] at [art] end " in BNC.

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1 Erm , the erm , the erm , the erm , er , settlement of the anti tr civil anti trust law suit that was referred to in the statement was erm , costs of about six million dollars this year on a class action law suit which we have reached a tentative settlement on in the last few days and , in fact , there were some , there was about six to seven million dollars of additional provision made at the end of last year in the one time charges that we referred to at that time but could n't really identify with erm , lawyers breathing down your necks in the United States and er , this is a class action law suit , would have been in a Texas Court and erm , you know , the boiler plate language is that you want to get rid of the , you know , the expense and uncertainty of this type of litigation and if you think that what a Texas jury did to Texaco , it 's probably a prudent decision to close the matter off at this time .
2 The Scottish Sports Council announced today that its Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Mr Ken Hutchison has intimated his decision to retire at the end of November .
3 Support for this hypothesis comes from an analysis of male peeking rates during the change in plumage which many ducks undergo at the end of the breeding season .
4 The new ARL 3580 inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer installed at the end of last year has been calibrated for the determination of major and trace elements in water .
5 A granite memorial to these Groups stands at the end of the former main runway .
6 Will the period be extended , or will the trade union be almost forced to concede what the employers want at the end of 16 months ?
7 The sign ( - ) used to join two words together , to join separated syllables of words broken at the end of a line of writing and to divide a word into parts or to represent hesitant speech , eg b-b-but .
8 The rDNA repeat at the end of chromosome III was always placed incorrectly next to the rDNA repeat at the beginning .
9 More detailed information about body language can be found in several books listed at the end .
10 There is a selection of books listed at the end of this book , but this is just the tip of the iceberg .
11 Contract Director , Bill Freeman , who recently announced his intention to retire at the end of the year , started his carpet career with Stoddard in 1956 .
12 The Bush campaign , which had had its late surge halted at the end of October by fresh Iran-contra revelations against the President [ see pp. 39134-35 ] , was unable to recover its momentum before polling day .
13 Indeed , he brings his own delicately poised irony to bear at the end of his book when he writes ,
14 Although the programme finishes at the end of the month , head gardener Carole is still thinking ahead and planning for future displays .
15 Finally , the additional time taken to read words occurring at the end of clauses and sentences might reflect the time taken to carry out syntactic processing of that particular clause or sentence .
16 The Committee of Directors of Polytechnics decided at the end of 1982 to discuss plans to deal with applications for the 1985 intake , involving the appointment of staff and the compilation of application forms and a polytechnic equivalent of the UCCA booklet .
17 The deal came at the end of the 20th annual session of the intergovernmental commission on economic co-operation between the two countries .
18 Mustakimzade 's argument against the Muftilik of Molla Yegan occurs at the end of his article on Molla Fenari .
19 ‘ The interview came at the end of a long day .
20 Roll , roll , roll the spliff twisted at the end
21 Roll , roll , roll the spliff twisted at the end , fuck a duck
22 The matter before us is whether to recommend , whether to make representations to the A C C as shown in minute three , with the words for capital investment added at the end .
23 As the moratorium on takeovers within the industry ceases at the end of 1993 the combined group will be in a position to be a predator and former hunter Manchester-based Granada could turn into the hunted .
24 It was n't the cars there , it was the cars turning at the end of the road
25 The Glasgow Hilton opened at the end of 1992
26 When the first shaft of light showed at the end of the tunnel it was like waking from a nightmare .
27 They arrived on Christmas Eve 1924 , proving that high-quality electrical test recordings existed at the end of 1924 , although it is not known that any of these survive today .
28 Using this relation ( µ M /µ E = cos α/2; where µ M is the electrophoretic mobility of the DNA-protein complex with the protein bound at the middle of the DNA fragment , µ E is the mobility of the complex with protein bound at an end ) we determined bending angles of 47°±5° for the ICP4 motif and 44°±5° for the Ad2 motif from several experiments using 4% gels .
29 EO will first release the Personal Communicators in an extensive beta test programme beginning at the end of the year .
30 Mercer added : ‘ We are one of six clubs in the Premier Division whose shirt sponsorship deal expires at the end of the season and I will be delighted to be able to make an announcement about this in the near future . ’
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