Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] you for the " in BNC.

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1 Mrs A. W. wrote : ‘ I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the time and effort you have put into compiling this diet which has made a bigger difference to my weight and dimensions than any other diet I have been on … . ‘
2 I hope you will not be too disappointed and would take this opportunity to thank you for the interest which you have shown .
3 I hope you will not be too disappointed and would take this opportunity to thank you for the interest you have shown .
4 There 's little in Marshall 's CV to prepare you for the way this story , awash with sentimental pitfalls , is turned into a deeply stirring , full blooded drama .
5 Heaven reward you for the good you have done me .
6 If we can establish that your injury was caused by another 's fault then we can usually recover damages to compensate you for the effects of the injury and for any financial loss .
7 Nero wants you for the circus , he seems to have taken a fancy to you and was asking about the lanolin — say no more !
8 Erm , Chair , delegates thank you for the welcome and thank you for the invitation to speak to you .
9 ‘ You 've got enough money to keep you for the rest of your life .
10 It was , Be blessings on thee , I mean and may God bless you for the help you 've given me .
11 Right Rod thank you for the opportunity .
12 Make sure home contents insurance covers you for the move .
13 Simple , quick and satisfying , self-massage prepares you for the day ahead , restoring energy and easing tension from a weary body .
14 The four , who re-release their single Thank You For The Music next week , split up 10 years ago .
15 You need a sound night 's sleep to prepare you for the taxing journey tomorrow .
16 If you make good use of the contacts it forces you to make in Ardmore , Wellington or Christchurch , you can get a very useful insight into the local scene that helps prepare you for the fascinating flying that lies ahead .
17 Bob was wondering whether you got his letter thanking you for the book .
18 The judge told him : ‘ There must be a severe penalty to punish you for the enormity of what you have done .
19 There must be a severe penalty to punish you for the enormity of what you have done and to deter others from wicked driving like this .
20 Further up the Valley is Trevillet Mill which serves clotted cream teas — just the thing to prepare you for the two to three mile trek to Tintagel .
21 All shale and weeds and winds that picked up speed as they swooped in off the ocean , this strip of barren land prepared you for the final desolation of the Crumbles .
22 The Bishop of Gloucester , who 's been accused of indecent assault , has issued a public thank you for the hundreds of letters he 's received .
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