Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] on each [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Two probes situated on each side of the deletion zone were used : the srRNA probe and the CO III probe ( Figure 1 ) .
2 He looked what he was , a veteran soldier , with sun-tanned face , clear eyes , dark doublet and hose , the only concession to fashion being the ornate , thick silver rings on each hand and a gold cross round his neck .
3 Tiny nodules appear on each areola .
4 In 1311 , for example , he demanded one foot soldier from each vill for service in his projected campaign in Scotland , and the vill was to pay the soldier 's wages for seven weeks by means of a special aid levied on each vill by the sheriff .
5 Subjects depend on each other .
6 That allegation reflected on each officer at Banbury because that CID office had only 12 members .
7 This has now been achieved and a joint statement , highlighting mutual recognition based on each body 's HND as the benchmark , has been published along with guidance notes for centres .
8 There is one flat , broad , apical papillae flanked by two rows of each of about 5 papillae flanking on each side , the row situated on the surface of the oral plates are considered to be supplementary .
9 In the United States 35 states have legislation requiring all hospitals to provide a standard data set on each patient treated .
10 There is one apical papillae flanked on each side by 3–4 oral papillae .
11 There are up to 3 flat pointed apical papillae flanked on each side by 4–5 flattened , pointed oral papillae .
12 A subfamily of the Ophiacanthidae with a sack-like disk covered with thickened skin or thin scales which often carry spinelets or granules ; radial shields variable in shape , either rib-like with only the distal ends not covered by scales or short with most of the plate visible ; the jaws distinctly longer than broad ; one or sometimes as many as three large blunt apical papillae flanked on each side by three to many oral papillae ; in most genera the second oral tentacle pore arising superficially or nearly so and the associated tentacle scales often forming a continuous series with the oral papillae ; the oral tentacle scales often spine-like and larger than the oral papillae , except in Ophiolimna where the second oral tentacle pore is obscured by a large opercular distal oral papillae ; nearly all genera with well developed elongated adoral shields and a large oral shield ; the tentacle pores of the arm mostly large and often with small spine-like tentacle scales although some genera with smaller pores armed with well developed tentacle scales ; the arm spines relatively short usually only slightly longer than one arm segment .
13 Ophiopristis may be defined as follows : the jaw longer than broad with one or two apical papillae flanked on each side by 4 or more rounded or slightly pointed oral papillae which form a continuous series with 2–4 slightly larger tentacle scales associated with the second oral tentacle pore , these scales may arise on the adoral shields , in some species there may also be papillae on the inner edge of the first ventral arm plate , the adoral shields long and narrow separating the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate ; disk covered by small scales each bearing a spinelet ; radial shields from the first lateral arm plate ; disk covered by small scales each bearing a spinelet ; radial shields covered and inconspicuous ; tentacle pores of the arm not open but armed with one or two leaf-like or scale-like tentacle scales .
14 Ophioprium is now defined as follows : the jaws longer than wide with one or two large apical papillae flanked on each side by 4–6 pointed oral papillae distal to which up to 4 elongated spine-like tentacle scales associated with the second oral tentacle pore , the distal scales markedly distinct from the oral papillae ; the adoral shields long narrow often partially overlain by the large oral shield ; disk covered by scales obscured by dense covering of spinelets and or granules ; radial shields covered and inconspicuous ; tentacle pores of the arm open armed with 1–2 large tentacle scales .
15 There may be one or more apical papillae flanked on each side by 4 or 5 oral papillae on the jaw edge .
16 Thee are 1–4 pointed apical papillae flanked on each side by 4–5 pointed oral papillae ; there are 2 , sometimes more larger tentacle scales associated with the second oral tentacle pore , distal to be oral papillae .
17 There are several apical papillae flanked on each side by many oral papillae , it is difficult to distinguish the oral from the apical papillae .
18 There are from 1 to as many as 10 ( Madsen , 1973 ) apical oral papillae flanked on each side by 7–10 oral papillae , depending on the size of the specimen , with the distalmost becoming flat and widened .
19 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3–4 rugose oral papillae , although in some specimens thee maybe more giving the appearance of a double row .
20 There is a single pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3 sometimes 4 oral papillae ; the distalmost of which is distinctly block-like .
21 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 4 pointed slightly rugose oral papillae ; Mortensen ( 1927 ) reports that there may be as many as 8 each side .
22 There is one long pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3–5 long thin oral papillae the distalmost of which may have the free end enlarged .
23 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3–5 oral papillae , the distalmost of which is long and rectangular .
24 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3 oral papillae , the distalmost of which is leaf shaped with a rounded outer edge .
25 There is one pointed , slightly angular , apical papilla flanked on each side by 3 to 4 irregularly arranged long pointed oral papillae , some of which are slightly flattened .
26 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3 oral papillae , the distalmost of which is long with its free and widened and squared off .
27 There is one large pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3 rounded spinelike oral papillae .
28 There is one long , finely rugose , club-like papilla flanked on each side by 4 oral papillae similar in shape and size to the apical papilla .
29 There is one , sometimes two , pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 5–6 oral papillae , the proximal ones are pointed similar in shape to the apical papilla but distally they become rounded , and the distalmost one is large and opercular .
30 There is one rounded apical papilla flanked on each side by up to 5 oral papillae , the distalmost of which is large , rectangular and opercular .
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