Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Paragraph three point seven describe in some detail with a figure of five hundred and fifty thousand pounds will become available in nine nineteen ninety three ninety four , when the rules change on the financing of structural maintenance on Principal Road , this sum would be enough to cover the two hundred and thirty thousand pound short that we mentioned previously has to cover the loan charges to sustain the same level of capital programme on schemes not aided by transport supplementary branch in nineteen ninety three four , as is currently being spent in this year .
2 The most useful definition is that of groups formed on the basis of occupational difference .
3 Whatever the need for honesty , there is little point , and usually no advantage , in allowing discussions to continue on the basis of anger or mutual recrimination .
4 The coexistence of these two problems means that a choice must be made between an expansionary or contractionary budget depending on the government 's preference : higher employment or stable prices .
5 In Kuwait City itself the Iraqi forces met some opposition from elite troops guarding the Amir 's palace and from troops stationed in Army and Air Force barracks situated on the city 's outskirts .
6 Nearer our own time , in 1830 , when the extensive manor of Ingleton changed hands , the new owner had a tower intended as a hospice erected on the summit , made from stone pillaged from the wall and the foundations of the huts .
7 However , Jardana stated that implementation of the budget depended on the availability of foreign grants , aid and easy-term loans .
8 Far from providing a new kind of experience and ‘ meaning ’ , at bottom ( on Gellner 's view ) these counter-cultures depended on the existence of mainstream society and culture for their critiques to have any purchase .
9 As Professor Landes has pointed out , the tolerance of non-factory employers depended on the fact that they did not have to take the running or fixed costs of machinery into account .
10 Since the profession 's livelihood depended on the public having confidence in its members ' integrity and professional ability , he warned , those who did break the rules would be dealt with swiftly , effectively and fairly .
11 Gryglewski et al ( 1978 ) incorporated collagen strips into extracorporeal circuits in animals and showed that prostacyclin brought about disaggregation of platelet aggregates formed on the collagen strips .
12 Three methods were being tried : A benign substance called Hot Foot Gel painted on the top of transformers and similar equipment to produce a ‘ sinking ’ feeling for the Hoodies when they try to land ; Plastic strips with irregular plastic spikes fixed to the top of equipment to discourage the birds from landing in the first place ; Non-working poles incorporating ‘ alternative nesting pans ’ were erected at selected sites to encourage the crows to use them instead .
13 For some time there had been allegations in the foreign media of a power struggle centring on the issue of introducing political reforms between Alia and Hoxha 's widow Nexhmije Hoxha , who was chair of the Democratic Front ( an umbrella organization dominated by the ruling Party of Labour — APL ) and who reputedly wielded great influence in the APL central committee .
14 Left : All five of the brightly coloured villages in Disney 's Caribbean Beach Resort sit on the edge of a huge lake , with beautiful sandy white beaches .
15 Doleys and Arnold ( 1975 ) treated an 8-year-old mentally handicapped boy by encouraging him to copy another child and by reinforcing attempts to sit on the lavatory for longer periods .
16 When he and my mother came to live at the house he bought five Aylesbury ducks to swim on the pond and clear it of weed .
17 The inhumanity seems to lie in allowing the full weight of responsibility to fall on the child .
18 But only last year she used to spend hours weeping on the floor of her flat because she thought her career was n't getting anywhere .
19 So , when acting in such a case , add to your additional enquiries made of the local authority , or better in a letter , some such enquiry as this : Is the Authority aware of any infilling or any geological stratum which might result in the instability of the foundations of any building erected on the site for which planning consent has been granted ?
20 The Chronicle says that in 1009 an opportunity to fall on the enemy was let slip on account of Eadric , " as it always was " .
21 Prices range from about £40 to £60 depending on the dress .
22 The researchers relied on the ability of the material to repel a magnetic field , a trademark of superconductors .
23 The type of ventilation necessary in any given situation varies from simple dilution techniques through local exhaust systems to personalised protection depending on the toxicity and concentration of the particular odorant .
24 Both systems gave a kind of proportional representation : the number of councillors which each Attic deme sent yearly to the Council of Five Hundred depended on its population ( p. 112 ) ; and the number of federal councillors in Boiotia supplied by the cities depended on the size of the city and its territory .
25 ‘ You 're after an excuse to go on the prowl round those fashion-shops again — is n't that the truth of it ? ’
26 Firstly , stimuli are divided into two groups depending on the direction of turn shown in the film .
27 In nature they are found living singly , in pairs , or in small groups depending on the size of the host and are happy in the aquarium whichever of these alternatives you adopt , although it is wise when keeping a number together to restrict these to one species , as most clownfish species are mutually intolerant of other species of their family and will not share living space or an anemone host .
28 Thus , if the corporations in their study were divided into three groups depending on the size of their annual sales , then they calculated that those with sales over $1 billion constituted 42 per cent of all corporations but committed nearly three-quarters of not only all violations but all serious violations , whereas those small firms with sales with less than half a billion dollars constituted nearly one-third of firms analysed but only committed less than 10 per cent of all violations .
29 Each of these groups of magazines can be broken down into smaller groups depending on the audience at which they are aimed and the degree of specialisation of their contents .
30 That was Fiona , in the bed , on the bed , covers half off , the only light in the room coming from a little candle by the bedside , her hair spilled on the pillow ( the other pillow was on the floor ) … and that was Lachlan Watt , wrapped round her , body bucking like some horse , his hands at her neck , at one breast , in her hair , cupping her neck ; the covers sliding off , Fiona putting her arms wide , clutching at the bottom sheet of the bed at one side , clutching the edge of the bedside table with the other .
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