Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] not [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Reproductive success , we now know , and Darwin did n't of course , means passing on your genes .
32 The coach did not in fact crash and if he had remained on it he would have suffered no harm .
33 The gifts of which evidence was given were in favour of the plaintiff 's children and in the circumstances did not in substance conflict … with his intention to benefit the plaintiff .
34 British concerns do not of course merely consist of such generalities .
35 Popular movements did not of course remain outside the influence of market forces .
36 Companies do not of course have to wait until the Appointed Day .
37 Most listed companies do not at present use their non-executives in the precise ways Cadbury recommends .
38 Further deployments ( with American crews ) were not ruled out — though Washington did not in practice take up this option .
39 The diocese does n't at present pay married deacons , and Jane Lloyd ( who is married ) is paid by the National Health Service .
40 Unfortunately confidence in this practice was somewhat sapped when the House of Lords decided that , if the officer of the company who certified the transfer did so fraudulently and for his own purposes when sufficient share certificates had not in fact been lodged , the company was not liable .
41 Furthermore , the Committee does not in fact know how the public perceives the ambit of the law of rape , nor did it attempt to find out .
42 This girl had not of course been told of the scandal of the boss 's daughter , and she willingly went to the tall cabinet , found the card , read it to Alice who memorised it and ran out .
43 It might seem strange that rapes such as these carry a lower penalty than a Category 2 case in which the defendant threatens violence against one party with the aim of securing intercourse with another , but where no violence is perpetrated and sexual intercourse does not in fact take place .
44 After doing this several times in a two-seater during training , the student may find both that applying full opposite rudder will stop the spin and that the glider does not in fact re-stall again even if the stick is kept back .
45 A commonly held example of such an error comes not from neuroscience but from genetics , where for a long time there was a rather simple-minded assumption that the physiology and behaviour of an organism ( its phenotype ) could be arbitrarily divided into two components , one given by the genes , the other by the environment .
46 Geographically the first phase of brooches tend not to duster in any particular region and are found dispersed over much of England .
47 The implication of the second sub-paragraph of Article 130R(5) therefore appears to be that although that provision gives the Community competence to negotiate international agreements relating to the protection of the environment , if the Community has not in fact exercised its powers internally , then Member States may continue to enter into international arrangements in their own right .
48 We are fortunate in that the rabbit population has not to date found us , although in 1983 we had to provide rabbit guards to comply with grant conditions , which were hideous white twists of plastic .
49 The difference lies not in ideology , nor in what they have to offer for exchange , but in their unequal vulnerability to the disapproval of the United States , the IMF and the World Bank .
50 Mourners tried not to cry yesterday , but most failed .
51 It was a body shaped not by exercise machines and aerobics gyms , but by hard endeavour and an active life .
52 The pastel-coloured costumes were at once demure and provocative ; fitted tight from throat to hip , they clung to every line of the delicate , high-breasted figures , heightening the allure of slender shoulders , tiny waists and the swell of young Ranks ; below the waist , however , the gossamer-light , side-split skirts and billowing trousers of white silk shrouded legs and thighs in secrecy , and to Chuck and Joseph the exotic girls of Saigon seemed not to walk but to float gently beneath the tamarinds on the evening breeze .
53 McEniff prefers not to talk figures but he is clearly a wealthy man .
54 A change of citizenship did not of course imply a divorce from the old country .
55 The new group did not in fact achieve its target of 100,000 pledged supporters and had faded away by March .
56 In the simplest terms , these can be thought of as particles which at the moment do not in fact exist — but one day might .
57 Their hypothesis was that the apparent merger of words of the MEAT and the MATE classes ( see 3.3.1 ) in contemporary Belfast vernacular had not in fact taken place .
58 Although " this offer has been accepted by Marshal Tito " , it had " subsequently been discovered that these troops had not in fact entered Austria … it was possible to turn them over to Marshal Tito in complete formation , and prevention of infiltration into Austria was essential for operational reasons " .
59 The murderous instincts of the sex war lead not to union but to a fragmentation which destroys the ability to comprehend life on any normal level ,
60 Salvation comes not from attachment to one 's own past , but from controlling it in favour of a higher goal .
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