Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] it out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Friend the Member for Aberdeen , North said that when an attempt was made in Committee to create a consumer body with a wider remit , the Chairman ruled it out of order on the ground that it went beyond the scope of the Bill .
2 He was busy in the bottom of the second punt , and when he climbed out of it he cut the rope securing the first punt with his sword , and then used his foot to launch it out across the water .
3 The Financial Times ' headline ‘ US and UK groups battle it out for contracts ’ on February 11 is the title of a report which notes that ‘ British engineers say US project managers traditionally prefer to operate with other US companies . ’
4 When we read , for example , that there was ‘ war in heaven ’ ( Rev 12:7 ) we should not assume that there was some sort of cosmic version of Star Wars , or that the archangel Michael and Lucifer fought it out with spiritual light-sabres .
5 But he did n't turn round and I saw only his receding back , the narrow shoulders squared , the bent legs stepping it out in time with his men .
6 Pay out just enough line to have the kite clear of the ground when holding the handle high and , as the wind fills it out to its proper shape , then lifts , allow the line to unwind from the handle ( or reel if you have one ) .
7 There was about a quarter of the bottle left , and Edward poured it out for both of them .
8 Sex on Sweeney 's cannibal isle is said to be a business of being ‘ bored ’ , but the horror of the perception takes it out of mere ‘ boredom ’ , which was killing the Melanesians and , Eliot thought , the modern world .
9 Mayne and his group crept away , leaving the guards to fight it out between themselves .
10 In regga a producer frequently utilises the same backing track for several different vocals , but only Steely & Clevie would dare let them all play at once on a dub , allowing several different melodies to fight it out for dominance of a different rhythm .
11 It was surely preferable for the superpowers to fight it out in the space race than blow the world to bits ( Wolfe 1979 ) .
12 Some sailors were trying to put up a small sail , but the wind blew it out of their hands , away across the sea into the night .
13 She tried to open the door to the storage-room , but twice the wind blew it out of her hands .
14 He pointed to the university 's successful three-year programme to steer it out of serious financial problems without compulsory redundancies .
15 These were only the official words setting it out in writing .
16 It is a risky policy merely to ignore really aggressive behaviour , simply to let children or teenagers fight it out to the finish .
17 ‘ It is an amusing portrait as Ken pointed it out to me , discussing the intricacies of the brushwork as well as the subject matter and its religious significance . ’
18 I had no conscious awareness of the Latin root of the name Hilary until Antonia Byatt pointed it out to me .
19 Finalists in last year 's Quality Quest competition , Macmillan College , Middlesbrough and Dowdales School in Dalton in Furness are staging a rematch in Newcastle , where they are among five schools battling it out in the Northern Development Company 's competition .
20 The Russian twisted it out of his grasp as they rolled over and over , locked in a kicking , butting embrace .
21 The Standing Orders Committee ruled it out of order under rule A three , within the remit of Congress .
22 At Thanksgiving 1985 , Bush sent North a postcard thanking him for his work ‘ with the hostage thing and in Central America ’ and exhorting him to get some turkey ; North read it out at his trial four years later as evidence of approval , but it was all delightfully vague .
24 It seems as if the reason that IBM UK Ltd could n't get any cash from its parent to bail it out at the end of last year and reportedly was told to go factor its receivables , is that IBM Corp was too busy bailing out IBM Deutschland GmbH .
25 It seems as if the reason that IBM UK Ltd could n't get any cash from its parent to bail it out at the end of last year and reportedly was told to go factor its receivables , is that IBM Corp was too busy bailing out IBM Deutschland GmbH .
26 Tylers the Company that won the tender when Crawley District Council put it out of a bunch of gangsters and on the first of February Crawley District Council awarded under C C T their refuse contract to Tylers as the cheapest tenderer .
27 Richard Cohen , who commissioned the book , said : ‘ I was very glad the judge threw it out at the very first stage .
29 You 've never been higher than Number 42 ’ , but Prof Eno sorted it out by letting her organise the singalong .
30 Chopra saw it out of the corner of his eye .
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