Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] in [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Robert Stewart , 28 , of Skipton Green , Low Fell , Gateshead had denied the charge at Newcastle Crown Court , saying he had bought the car just three weeks before being stopped by police and the 351 squares of the drug hidden in fog lamp covers must have been left there by the previous owner .
2 Adult education is to be understood in its wider sense of continuing education ( Venables , 1976 ) that it is with reference to teaching undertaken in adult education institutes , community colleges , in further and higher education , as well as in organisations within the private sector of industry and commerce and the numerous private language schools .
3 The crested helmet of the warrior gleamed in dawn sun and he turned and rode down on Tallis .
4 To provide an opportunity for pupils to use and extend inquiry and communication skills developed in class work .
5 Split developed in gear lever gaiter
6 ’ At the same time as this Conrad work was in his head , Eliot received anthropological proof that ‘ Life is very long ’ for ‘ civilized ’ people and for ‘ savages ’ alike in an age of degeneration , and that if the savage revealed a level of horror hidden in city life , then similarly civilized man might corrupt the savage .
7 money given in part payment or as security , as when goods are bought on hire-purchase .
8 He already has plans to appear in Death Wish Six and Seven .
9 Editor , — Lesley V Campbell and colleagues and Robert Tattersall raise doubts about the usefulness of blood glucose monitoring strips in diabetes mellitus .
10 He is like an insect caught in fly spray , whirling crazily , while the poison spreads paralysis slowly through his veins .
11 Murder trial starts in sign language
12 CAPEL-Cure Myers has launched a service which monitors the opportunities to invest in Business Expansion Scheme companies before the end of the current tax year .
13 Ken basks in title success
14 The bill was rapidly settled , and the brief journey back to the jeep completed in record time , with a firm supporting arm round her waist sending shivers of awareness through her .
15 Shops evacuated in bomb alert
16 In 1978 , an SSRC ( ESRC ) working party produced a report on ‘ Research Needs in Work Organisation ’ which identified the main limitations in British research .
17 Elephant has trunk severed in zoo attack
18 Three Blue Sisters have now been sent as Missionaries to work in North West Atlanta , USA .
19 As Freud demonstrated in Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego , typical group psychology produces a lowering of the ego-competence of the individual group member in favour of the group itself and especially of the leader who takes over important ego-functions from him , principally those appertaining to the superego .
20 It represented a medieval knight in full armour , the helmeted head surrounded by a thin coronet , the sides of the face and neck swathed in chain mail .
21 Other ‘ defences ’ such as resins may be actively collected as in the case of those gathered by euglossine bees in their ‘ pollen baskets ’ from Anacardiaceae , Burseraceae and Leguminosae used in nest construction , sometimes with added bark fragments .
22 The humble herring was treated as crude workaday fare , and in our household we might have pickled herring on Sunday , soused herring on Monday , herrings in sour cream on Tuesday , schmaltz herring on Wednesday , and herrings fried in matzo meal on Thursday .
23 For two lithiums substituted in cis configuration the difference would be a mere 5 calmol-1 ( the trans isomer is much less favourable ) .
24 Localisation of DNA-protein contact points by DMS resistance of complexes resolved in gel retardation assays
25 CRIEFF Brothers die in car crash
26 It was the longest operational tour flown by RAAF aircrews but it served as a classroom as it provided a huge fount of experience amongst crews that , in effect , provided a base for future RAAF units operating in South East Asia in the 1960 and 1970s .
27 Scheduled to arrive at MAAM on August 14 , the aircraft will be maintained in airworthy condition to participate in east coast airshows .
28 Milton adopts a classical tragic high style and models Samson to participate in Renaissance humanist parodia Christiana , the transference of Classical literary principles to Christian settings , a methodology common throughout Europe from the fifteenth century onwards especially among neo-Latin writing .
29 Sqn Ldr Leigh-Smith , that I believe had ditched , I found all his clobber in the flight locker swimming in salt water , and his aircrew sweater and all his other gear dyed yellow by the colouring that aircrew used to put in the water to help identify their position to searching aircraft .
30 Data collected in budget preparation and monitoring are an invaluable input to a management information system which may be used to analyse trends within or between projects or perhaps between design groups in an engineering consultancy .
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