Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] in [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Her neck rose in a long , rounded column to a face which , though not classically beautiful — the nose was too tilted , the mouth too wide — was heart-stopping in its freshness , its air of innocence combined with its look of deep , untapped feminine knowledge .
2 A slight sudden puff of breeze lifted a thickly leafed branch in front of her and she saw two figures , framed by the foliage at the instant their lips met in a long , smooth , seductive and very mutual kiss .
3 She unfastened her own belt , and as her arms wound about his neck their lips met in a long kiss .
4 Their eyes met in a long , arching stare .
5 Everyone 's solution was subjective , he thought , based on the resentments and jealousies festered in the long , bitter years of internal exile that the Shah had imposed on all those who would not recognize his sole and divinely inspired leadership of Iran .
6 The cat with yellow eyes crouched in the long grass in pursuit of a bird .
7 His preliminary architectural sketches hung in a long glass frame on the passage wall inside the cottage .
8 It is not a very fruitful exercise to indulge in a long debate as to which of these two functions is the more important .
9 The rush over , Maggie drew in a long breath , and turning to the supervisor who was hovering in the background , she asked , ‘ All right if we go ? ’
10 Woolley led them down in a mock attack , the arrowhead formation swooping in a long , curling dive that went under the Frenchman 's tail and zoomed up and levelled out , back on patrol .
11 For the course seeks not only to prepare graduates for immediate employment in a range of positions within publishing but also to provide them with the intellectual equipment to become in the longer term the managers , the decision-makers and strategy-formulators .
12 The displays are shown in Victorian cases housed in a long , narrow gallery running parallel to the windows onto Chambers Street .
13 An advantage of this slender branch byway , which runs at a higher level than the main road , is the splendid panorama it affords of the encircling hills : across the valley the distant double-topped Frostrow merges in the long whaleback skyline of Rise Hill ; at the head is Great Knoutberry Hill carrying the railway ; rising to the left are the lower slopes of Whernside , succeeded by Great Coum beyond the gap of Deepdale , and finally Middleton Fell closes the horizon .
14 A piano tinkled in the long afternoon , all afternoons being long now ; an old lady , her eyes closed , hummed a relic of a long-forgotten act , not that it would be forgotten here .
15 It must be borne in mind that not every dead-end of a burrow terminates in a long , narrow hole .
16 He motioned his family and Paul to halt and pointed silently across the river to a herd of muntjac grazing in the long grass .
17 ‘ Well thrown , sir ! ’ someone shouted from across the playground , and Matilda , who was mesmerised by the whole crazy affair , saw Amanda Thripp descending in a long graceful parabola on to the playing-field beyond .
18 The religious divisions also hardened to a considerable extent into national ones ; Catholicism not only held firm in southern Europe but extended itself northward , Lutheranism failed to root itself outside the Teutonic lands , while Calvinism spread in a long thin arc from Scotland , through France and the Netherlands to Poland and Hungary .
19 Aggie drew in a long breath and glanced at the child before answering Ben .
20 As the head snuggled into her and the thin arm came round her waist , Aggie drew in a long tight breath ; then when her own arm automatically went around the child , she closed her eyes tightly , because for the first time in her life she was feeling flesh close to her own .
21 Aggie drew in a long breath , bowed her head slightly and said , ‘ Aye , I know you did , love ; but come and sit down a minute . ’
22 This separation of the responsibilities of public office from the personal qualities of the incumbent has in the long term had a number of important consequences on decision-making in rural areas .
23 Unfortunately , local managers often think in the short term , whereas senior managers think in the longer term .
24 Does he understand that planning permission was initially gained , with difficulty , for the building of motorways through areas of outstanding natural beauty and great environmental sensitivity , so many people would not be keen to see developers spending hundreds of thousands — if not millions — of pounds fighting in a long succession of inquiries so that they can build not just motorway service areas — possibly excluding the disabled and lorries — but hotels and other facilities that would never have received permission when the original planning consent was granted ?
25 The victor settled in the long grass , wings outspread to show the four pairs of conspicuous circle ‘ eyes ’ , scenting the air to attract a female , and to warn off males .
26 The field stretched in a long oblong down the valley side , filling their eyes .
27 There is a good argument that the exclusion of a development corporation has in the long term been to Cramlington 's advantage , but the opportunity for land development profits was very important .
28 The main disadvantage of the method lies in the long periods of time required to reach equilibrium .
29 The strength of the individual features set in a long thin face gave him a striking and attractive appearance .
30 Claudia looked in the long mirror for the last time , and her breath caught in her throat ; that beautiful bride could n't be her .
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