Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] out in the " in BNC.

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1 As Ian Macdonald points out in The New Immigration Law ( Butterworths , 1972 ) :
2 I send minutes laid out in the proper style .
3 All these data will help to inform the stage of development into which the records-of-achievement movement is now moving , namely that of nationalization following the proposals laid out in the 1984 policy statement .
4 As part of the five-hundredth anniversary celebrations of the consecration of the Frari church in Venice , the Sovrintendenza ( the state administration of ancient monuments and works of art ) has been taking stock of the restoration projects carried out in the Basilica over the last twenty years .
5 Slowly , Fand leaned her forehead on the spear-shaft , fair hair raying out in the water .
6 A villager who had played in the open fields as a boy , or watched the sheep in the common pastures , would have lived to see the modern landscape of his parish completed and matured , the roads all made , the hedgerow trees full grown , and new farmhouses built out in the fields where none had ever been before .
7 Not only touch , but all activities carried out in the vicinity of the patient , offer the nurse an opportunity to show empathy .
8 Some systemically-desirable information , although part of the wider system , was not relevant to the actual activities carried out in the EPH .
9 One in nine of the operations carried out in the region now are done privately , and that 's actually one in three in some parts of .
10 Margaret had one of the first major heart operations carried out in the UK more than 27 years ago in Edinburgh .
11 An exhibition of the work of conceptual photographer Hans Peter Feldmann carried out in the 1960s and 1970s runs parallel to these two exhibitions .
12 CW to add this to a list of jobs which DCS to carry out in the near future .
13 She was lean , dark-skinned , and ancient and wizened as the baccala , the salt cod pegged out in the harbour to dry .
14 He stared up at the grey shapes bobbing out in the lagoon .
15 A sampling programme carried out in the Coins and Medals Department in 1979 checked some 10,000 of the estimated 600,000 objects in the collections .
16 According to the Science Policy Research Unit at Sussex University , less than 1 per cent of research carried out in the developed countries has any significance for the developing world , and half that research effort is devoted to military and related activities .
17 Their ideas grew out of research carried out in the electronics industry where companies face high rates of technological change .
18 It was evident from the research carried out in the USA that no trace of formaldehyde could be found in surrounding soil or samples from the water table in the area of such burial grounds .
19 The analysis from E G get the card attached to your work card inscribe the basic information , followed up by research carried out in the resource centre .
20 Williams made similar deductions following a study carried out in the United States .
21 One study carried out in the region showed that a forested slope lost 0.03 tons of soil per hectare per year , whereas a deforested slope lost 138 tons a landslide .
22 A study carried out in the mid-1980s in a South London day hospital and in local day centres examined the ordinary , everyday needs and specific treatment requirements of attenders .
23 This search follows a study carried out in the refugee camps of Southeast Asia and supported by ESRC .
24 There are plenty of great walks to try out in the forest itself and some of the surrounding peaks — the forest boundaries include some of the lower Cairngorm summits .
25 These two distinct systems will feed upon each other through an ongoing confrontation acted out in the Middle East .
26 To discover the electron is rather different from discovering the kangaroo , because it is a theoretical entity inferred from certain abstruse experiments ; and Thomson 's apparently crucial experiment turned out in the twentieth century not to be so .
27 The initial appointment is for one year but may be cancelled in the event of a serious breach of the guidelines set out in the Tutors ' Handbook .
28 This should be carried out under the guidelines set out in the CFM for Quick Appraisals ( Chapter 5 ) .
29 The review should be carried out under the guidelines set out in the CFM for Quick Appraisals ( Chapter 5 ) .
30 The approval of the Animal Welfare Committee at the Durham VA Medical Center was obtained before all studies and care of animals conformed to the guidelines set out in the Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals .
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