Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] up on a " in BNC.

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1 It was a large room , totally silent save for the voice of one Sister perched up on a pulpit in the end wall , reading portions of the scriptures .
2 Some people prefer to hold the script ; others like to read off a lectern , which can be simply a tray propped up on a couple of books .
3 Preparing the campsite also involved some ingenious engineering , with a large pivoted chockstone winched up on a Friend belay to create enough headroom .
4 He was lounging on the sofa when she returned to the house , his long legs propped up on a low onyx table , while he flicked his way desultorily through the pages of a paperback .
5 Alright th the car blew up on a dual carriageway there 's
6 ‘ You have an inoperable cancer of the right lung , ’ said the great man , and he pointed to a large X-ray photograph blown up on a screen in front of us .
7 The agreement , like those that had preceded it , envisaged a directly elected presidency , and a bicameral legislature made up on a republican and a population basis , respectively ; central authority would be limited to those spheres of activity that had been specifically delegated by the members of the union .
8 ‘ From my point of view it was like a child climbing up on a wall to look in but she rushed back and said : ‘ No , I ca n't do it , ’ and started crying in my arms .
9 The machine bumped up on a stony track that led in the general direction of the distant barn .
10 Much less embarrassing than a kissogram the perfect fantasy served up on a plate .
11 It was it was fun when we first started , because the weather was nice , you know it was er you c take a thermos up and have a picnic and sit in the chair and read a book or whatever if there was no one around , but after a while when it became a duty , yeah it was hard work getting up on a winter 's morning , knowing full well that you probably would n't see any cars if you down in until about ten in the morning , but you still had to be there at seven o'clock , and honking it down with rain or whatever .
12 With a spreadsheet set up on a personal computer , this requires very little time to calculate and provides a direct guide to strategies concerned with cost leadership .
13 With a great qualm mining at him inwardly , Cameron got up on a tree stump and said his piece .
14 Thus the animal locates itself in space by use of environmental reference points ( this is of course more or less what a psychologically untutored lay person might have guessed would happen , but it was not what psychologists brought up on a diet of Skinner would have theorized ) .
15 ‘ All boats go up on a rising tide , ’ observes Frank Delaney philosophically at the end of one of those come-on-Fred-we-give-you-all-this-advertising-how-about-an-in-depth-profile pieces , in this case on Harper-Collins , that PN does so well .
16 POLICE believe a body washed up on a beach in Kent might be that of a young Essex woman who has been missing for two months .
17 When I had reached the front , the first thing I saw was Granpa lying on the pavement , his head propped up on a box of apples and his face as white as a sheet .
18 The rental sector meanwhile provides — along with all the box-office successes which nowadays transfer to tape within a few months and probably need no further introduction — the chance to catch up on a variety of ( often more deserving ) movies which have been less widely seen in cinemas here .
19 Kylie admits that the tour of the chic boutiques in Paris , London and New York gave the sisters a chance to catch up on a lot of the times they had missed when the demands of television companies just had to take priority over family .
20 We 've even had customers ring up on a Wednesday after a delivery on Tuesday and say they 're sold out .
21 He actually dreamed of himself in a suit of armour opening the big , oak front door with a mace in his hand and Adam riding up on a black , colourfully caparisoned horse .
22 HEALTH fears over raw sewage washing up on a Fife beach have resulted in one local authority forcing another to clean up the pollution .
23 Even a computer-literate user brought up on a different type of mainframe may find the nested screens in CMS and the XEDIT editor offputting at first .
24 Seeing the young woman hunched up on a crate , covered in chalk dust and weeping her eyes out , Biff Thacker was rather at a loss what to do .
25 Their names went up on a list on the school board as being entitled to free lunches .
26 I do have to admit , though , that when I 'm working away from home it 's not a case of going out on the town — but going straight to bed to catch up on a good night 's sleep .
27 TSB hangs up on a telephone banking scheme .
28 Last night she and her mother bedded down on a mattress in the back of their secondhand horse-box eating food heated up on a mobile stove because they refused to pay the London prices of the arena 's eating places .
29 She had built up a good little business in the indoor market-hall and now she and George had amassed enough in the bank to set up on a farm of their own .
30 Two , two or three week 's running Jenny came up on a weekend and brought us a bar of chocolate each
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