Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] up [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 As in the recent past , and as was to be the case with much greater frequency after the start of the Five-Year Plans , planners in Moscow drew up neat and rather abstract formulations that did not match up closely with local realities and timings .
2 Slash'n'sideburn pop is what you get when Manc yoof grows up angry and facially bristling .
3 Rex called up AUDIO/VISUAL and then jumped back .
4 Lawns edge up to the roadside , porches glow in the night , people laugh behind screen doors , kids stay up late and cars cruise with open windows and jutting elbows .
5 This is much easier if the person carrying the legs moves up close and supports the front person under his stomach .
6 Its top lip begins to extend and grow like some sort of elephant-horse , and the corners of its mouth pull up higher and higher so that its mouth looks longer and longer , as if a heavy-handed rider is pulling mercilessly at it .
7 We can see the horse 's corners of the mouth pull up higher and higher , and the muscles in the face take on more and more definition .
8 The man 's wife had wasted no time going through his closets picking up worn and odd pairs .
9 Scrappy notes of lectures piled up unread and kept pouring in .
10 If you must go , for God 's sake turn up sober and keep your hands to yourself .
11 This provides a smooth surface to paint over and ensures that the colours come up clean and bright .
12 Manufacturers , flushed with success over their pink fluffy man campaign , and greedy with the realisation that they can make hill-walkers wear anything as long as it 's described as a technological breakthrough , are sitting in their factories dreaming up new and more ridiculous things to sell us .
13 Then the war loomed up black and sinister ; my work was going to be interrupted .
14 Pontblyddyn were sent back for 89 , Nicky Holt hitting 42 and Colin Peers 20 not out as Phil Williams picked up 6–33 and Tim Davies 3–51 .
15 At first Carrie hardly dared look at her but when she did she saw nothing alarming or sinister , just an old lady with silvery hair piled up high and a pale , invalid 's face .
16 If you would like to find out how to help your kitten grow up healthy and strong , Whiskas have produced a booklet ‘ Know Your Cat ’ that tells you all about her needs from kittenhood to adulthood .
17 As the big vessel came up tense and turgid I thrust in the needle and injected the adrenalin .
18 The market will allow firms to buy up current and future pollution allowances .
19 It is because it is applied recursively at the growing tips all over the tree — branches make sub-branches , then each sub-branch makes sub-sub-branches , and so on — that the whole tree ends up large and bushy .
20 For those too young to remember the 1960s , Niki de Saint Phalle 's name conjures up wacky and colourful Nanas ( French slang for woman ) , whose harmlessness is matched only by their price tag and Partisian chic , neatly caricatured by a tacky perfume she put her name to in 1982 .
21 Harry curled up tighter and groaned , then opened his eyes .
22 And the smoke coming up thick and heavy .
23 To complete the portrait took three sittings and each time , to Indenbaum 's surprise , Modigliani turned up clean-shaven and well-groomed , and behaved in a modest , almost shy manner .
24 The high , family cheek-bones stuck up gaunt and stark and her narrow shoulders jutted through the fabric of her sweater like bony wings .
25 Every bend in the road opens up new and varied landscapes .
26 Now he is in a world where it 's nothing to fly to the Bahamas for a conference — and for a conference that 's probably not even going to be in the Bahamas ; a world where very high-class girls ring up uninvited and try to make you feel at home .
27 Flintshire captain Gareth Ryan snapped up 4–24 and his county partner Keith Madeley 3–15 , paving the way for St Asaph to collect a six wicket win and claim maximum points .
28 But seeking your assistance , ’ and Calatin sat up straighter and looked pleased .
29 The fabric of our schools , public buildings and roads store up bigger and bigger bills for the future .
30 The final information turned up late and we were at it till the small hours .
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