Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] their case for " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , some customers then ‘ were afraid to ask ’ , and are now armed with consumption data to press their case for preferential treatment on a more appropriate tariff .
2 The force with which the judges made their case for Second Empire can be explained by assuming that they felt that if they did not strongly press for this form of building , another , and less welcome style in their eyes , would be adopted .
3 Both Mullach and Lionan are departing directly after the banquet is over , leaving Marsco to plead their case for them — so thick , it seems , these three have become .
4 But what we argue is that all should have the right to put their case for asylum fairly and properly , and reasonably quickly . ’
5 The voluntary bodies complained they would be forced to incur unreasonable costs preparing their case for Parliament if the bill was to be withdrawn yet again .
6 A few had already approached the Office of Fair Trading to press their case for ‘ fairer ’ treatment .
7 Nine Conservative MPs from the right and left of the party , including three former ministers , met Mr Patten last night to press their case for additional funds .
8 And so the Air Staff found that they had a vociferous and powerful industrial lobby in both Westminster and Whitehall to back their case for GOR 339 .
9 When the negotiations began at Dalat it was Giap who assumed the principal role on the Vietnamese side and while , as communists , they might have accepted a smaller but communist state that could conceivably have been free of the French , it was as nationalists that the Vietminh argued their case for indissoluble national unity .
10 At the age of twenty-three she was called to give evidence on workmen 's compensation before a parliamentary commission in the House of Lords and she also helped Labour MPs prepare their case for the Shops Bill .
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