Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 Kiku rode sedately down the slope towards Burun and Suragai followed her like a shadow .
2 A few moments later they passed Gilberto walking back up the hill to the place where he had left his own car , just below the massive wall of the columbarium in the cemetery where Ruggiero Miletti had been interred two hours previously .
3 As Everton regrouped bad-temperedly , Crystal Palace attacked swiftly down the left , Rodger pulled the ball back from the byline and Coleman sidefooted into an empty net .
4 Zambia was answering the robot 's questions about hir gender state when Tammuz sauntered lankily down the colonnaded walkway , hands in pockets .
5 His eyes run quickly down the page .
6 I grimaced at Ellen , then went topsides where I found the ship being steered by its automatic pilot and Thessy and Jackson Chatterton perched halfway up the mainmast with reels of rigging wire from which Thessy was fashioning a parallel set of starboard shrouds .
7 Fearful , utterly unaware now of the two men near by , she let her eyes move slowly up the document , seeing other names but only vaguely noting that she was scanning a list of some sort .
8 Voices echoed flatly down the long hall .
9 The figure walked slowly down the shed .
10 We gradually side stepped higher up the slope .
11 The radar waves bounce back off the cars that approach , and are registered by the receiving apparatus .
12 He had lifted her into his arms before she could protest , although in truth she hardly felt in any condition to trek back up the incline towards the barn .
13 Later in the afternoon the wind rose and black storm-clouds rolled inexorably down the valley .
14 An unshaded fitting glared weakly down the cellar steps .
15 Vass regarded her flushed face , then let his eyes drift slowly down the length of her slender , dressing-gown-clad figure .
16 The doors of the rooms were open and patterns of light slid imperceptibly down the landing walls , feeling their way , as if on tiptoe across the threshold .
17 Jess made a vague gesture with her hands : ‘ I dropped th'money , miss , and it rolled … oh … it went bouncing along … like little silver wheels straight down the crack between them flaps as covers cellars .
18 I allowed my eyes to travel slowly up the length of the chimney breast , tilting my head back to take in the upper reaches , and my hat fell off .
19 Last season the whole defence seemed totally up the creek .
20 A few minutes after eight , as they watched , a black flag moved slowly up the post .
21 An ice-cream girl sauntered slowly up the aisle with a loaded tray , up to her tits in choc-ices and orange drinks .
22 Five minutes later Léonie walked carefully down the stone-flagged passage into the kitchen .
23 The constable walked back up the stairs , shaking his head .
24 A ‘ clow ’ was a flap-valve to stop flood-water rising back up the ditches at high tide .
25 Soon one could ignore it , except now and then when the fire seemed to take a huge breath and glowed with a sudden fierceness which sent sparks flying crazily up the chimney .
26 The miners scrambled back up the hill of the slanting deck and the ship steadied .
27 He opened the door , peering out over Kirov 's shoulder ant glancing furtively down the empty stairway .
28 But the idea was eventually sunk when Scarborough Council did not back the idea , which was designed to give the shipyard a new lease of life .
29 The cat ran straight down the trunk of the tree .
30 Yes , there were gateways here in this Castle , where midnight footsteps trod purposefully down the halls …
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