Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Onions , left to go to seed , displayed magnificent fluffy heads , and a host of chirruping birds fluttered excitedly about the varied riches of the wilderness .
2 IBM Corp , Hewlett-Packard Co and DEC got together at the Open Software Foundation 's Challenge'93 shindig in Boston last week to demonstrate their implementations of the Distributed Computing Environment .
3 If British Rail goes ahead with the building of this station at a cost of £1.4 billion , what sort of income will it need to secure from the capital developments to service the loan , bearing in mind the fact that the Minister has often said that the Government will put no money into the project ?
4 The debts arose out of a ten million pound plan to build a village to care for the elderly in the grounds of the convent .
5 The debts arose out of a ten million pound plan to build a village to care for the elderly in the grounds of the convent .
6 But Croat and Slovene leaders have reiterated their willingness to sit down with the Serbs and others to work out how Yugoslavia could be turned into a body not unlike the European Community .
7 Among the sea anemones sticking limply to the rocks exposed at low tide , there are , almost everywhere in the world , rather different lumps of jelly .
8 ‘ One coin given away with every four gallons of petrol .
9 According to the values listed above for the product of the reaction in our example for case 2 should be NiO(s) and not CO(g) .
10 times He 'll have good times Goin' oot on the randan But
11 As I understand the position , the duty in negligence arose purely from the fact that the wife was also a customer of the bank .
12 The story goes back to the major earthquake , magnitude 7 on the Richter scale , which rocked Greece in February 1981 .
13 The driver launches forward for a narrow escape .
14 Moscow sets terms for unity debate Following are extracts from an address to members of the European Parliament given yesterday by the Soviet Foreign Minister , Mr Eduard Shevardnadze .
15 Lines of humour fanned out from his mouth , and his teeth gleamed whitely in the darkness .
16 One review board chairman agreed completely with the inspector , one completely disagreed and in the third case the chairman merely rewrote the report in different words without coming down on one side or the other .
17 Meanwhile , never for a second was there any lifting in the murderous artillery blanket laid down by the cannon of the opposing sides , now nearly 4,000 strong .
18 The base goes back to the RAFin SEptember 94. it 's not yet known what will be done with the land but many local people hope it 'll be used the upper H
19 ‘ Then how come when we pulled her from her suit I found a folder full of Alex Bannen 's notes stashed away inside the sleeve ? ’
20 UN flies bodies home THE BODIES of 23 peacekeepers shot in weekend battles with Somali gunmen were flown home to Pakistan yesterday as the UN honed plans to hit back at the killers ‘ within days ’ .
21 BODIES of 23 peacekeepers shot in weekend battles with Somali gunmen in Mogadishu were flown home to Pakistan as the UN honed plans to hit back at the killers ‘ within days . ’
22 Although the policy review will be endorsed by the conference , giving Neil Kinnock the freedom to go on to the offensive against the Conservatives in the run-up to the next general election , there are a number of areas of potential conflict .
23 They are likely to be allowed less freedom to go out on the streets and stay out late .
24 The current machinery broadly follows the framework of collective bargaining laid down in the 1980 Workers ' Statute .
25 More than half the 12.5 billion kilograms of milk produced annually in the Netherlands today is sold abroad and , of course , Dutch cheeses are renowned as well .
26 Under the long curling hair hanging lankly over the driver 's neck , Howard has noticed , is a tumour the size of a sparrow 's egg .
27 ‘ You always leave your hair hanging down like a hippy too , ’ he continued .
28 His wife lay there so limp , so insubstantial , her black hair hanging down like the tail of a whipped animal and one white hand clutching his sleeve as though it were her only hold on life .
29 This woman I 'd never seen , darker than me , darker than mum , my height but four times as big every other way , her hair hanging down in a big shaggy mane that looked as if she cut it herself once a year , big wooden earrings in her ears and a dress down to the floor with embroidery all over it and her feet stuffed into ugly shoes that were made of leather She told us that She wanted us to admire them , because this was a big day for her , Auntie Muriel had got dressed up to come to the city and see her sister and her sister 's child .
30 The curriculum laid down for the first time what pupils should learn in 10 subjects .
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