Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Although the western consensus based on the traditional liberal interpretation has now broken down , many of the most distinguished scholars in the field remain firmly committed to it and it continues to inform conventional wisdom among non-specialists in the West .
2 In return , Louis-Napoleon agreed not to return to France for some years .
3 Will my right hon. Friend find time today to tell the House of the decision made yesterday to restore to Latvia , Lithuania and Estonia the gold deposited for safe keeping in the Bank of England but misappropriated by the then Labour Government with the support in the Division Lobby of the leader and Chief Whip of the Liberal party at that time ?
4 At the same time , most people 's daily lives and face-to-face contacts remain relatively limited to small-scale localities .
5 Nevertheless , apart from the geographical distribution of general practitioners , there were no explicit policies to equalise either access to or use of services .
6 The text goes on to refer to a general trust clause providing that the heir should pay the legacies and carry out the instructions in the will .
7 The weights and fuel consumption times given below refer to the larger CV470 .
8 advising the secretary of state on applications for permission to carry out works to listed buildings and to scheduled monuments ;
9 Holiday entitlement differs slightly according to job level , age and length of service .
10 But this also means that as the morphology of species matured over great periods of historic time , other forms became more adapted to life on land , while yet others returned to the water to escape the increasing competition .
11 For the Council , the creation of the new institutions has greatly added to its work , while for the colleges the rigours of course submission and CNAA validation procedures have , in some cases , been traumatic .
12 In the remoter rural areas , where agriculture has traditionally held a virtual monopoly of employment opportunities , the declining demand for labour in agriculture has historically led to widespread rural depopulation .
13 The front runner has long seemed to be head injury , in which a microdialysis probe might readily accompany a pressure monitor and provide a guide to metabolic state .
14 Perhaps this link has n't occurred to you , and perhaps when you consider it , it 'll make sense to you .
15 of British Rail 's freight business originates in the north-west , is not it strange that British Rail has not talked to the majority of its users already about times and tariffs for the channel tunnel ?
16 The fact that the organisers decided that it was time to show Spanish Pop and the French New Realists made sense ; Martial Raysse has always seemed to me a very interesting artist , but he has been ignored outside France .
17 His creator James Driscoll has just returned to Britain after signing a £20 million deal to create the 40-acre fun park in Samara , 600 miles east of Moscow — where Digswell has been made a Freeman of the City .
18 H. raised his special grievance , but his complaint published in the Sunday Express has only added to the completeness of his downfall …
19 He was a great expert , founder of the arboretum at Westonbirt nearby , and he filled every vista with a dazzling display of ornamental and specimen trees , which the Prince has since added to .
20 Coca-Cola has also decided to ‘ compete ’ with UNESCO by giving the Hermitage $320,000 ( for years Pepsi-Cola had the monopoly of the Soviet market ) .
21 Clough has always marched to a different tune , but this time his perversity may finally be his undoing .
22 Now , the N F U has now written to the Agricultural Minister .
23 Industrialisation has clearly led to economic growth .
24 It has irked the Northern selectors that the talent drain has largely led to London , the side that has dominated the Divisional Championship in recent years .
25 The drainage system over some sections of route has also had to be refurbished or renewed .
26 THE CURRENT recession has certainly laid to rest forever the myth that public relations is a lightweight ‘ luxury ’ service used to indulge the chief executive .
27 Mr Ward has consistently refused to be interviewed by the British authorities investigating the Guinness affair .
28 The index has not proved to be a reliable feature of either constipation or diarrhoea .
29 A specially developed Outward Bound course has also proved to be not only popular amongst staff , but most beneficial .
30 To this must be added the 157,000 temporary houses ( the provision of temporary houses has now come to an end ) , the repair of war-damaged property , and the use of huts and service camps .
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