Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] not [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 But just don , t expect me not to whinge about it .
2 His finger pressed her lips , his eyes warning her not to continue .
3 And David warns you not to expect gags .
4 Hilton warns her not to skimp these obligatory verbal prayers in her enthusiasm for the new contemplation .
5 Alan says : ’ I was amazed at the advice I received because their Mitchell Philpott told me not to transfer at least for the time being .
6 ‘ A week later I received a frantic letter from Valerie imploring me not to go through with it .
7 Josh told me not to disturb him .
8 How many times has Mummy told you not to wander off like that ? ’
9 ESSEX are prepared to offer former England captain Keith Fletcher ‘ a job for life ’ in an attempt to persuade him not to become the next England team manager .
10 Ian Lang warned them not to let young minds be stupefied by computer games and video nasties , and encouraged local authorities to prosecute parents whose children were regular truants .
11 She flew back to Lima and wrote to all her clients telling them not to expect any more craft goods : she was quitting and going to work in the jungle .
12 Newman put a finger to his lips to warn her not to speak Standing up , he walked behind the couch into the bay .
13 Gillian Vincent , 26 , who has never had a boyfriend , said it began after Hendry 's manager Ian Doyle told her not to write anymore .
14 The probationers told him to remember that every minute he was getting a little better , and Ward Sister told him not to make any effort , and not to try to take anything by the mouth .
15 But Will told her not to hurry .
16 ‘ Well , my Mum told me not to let boys fondle me or kiss me now I 've started me periods , otherwise , if I did , I 'd soon be having a baby . ’
17 ‘ My GP told me not to worry and to drink more fluids .
18 I can remember being asked to run the mile at school and my parents encouraging me not to stop ( try hard ) .
19 ‘ The temptation is to give them everything , ’ says Janka Stuttard , the Russian speaker who co-ordinated the visit , ‘ but their parents asked us not to do that because it makes it difficult for them to settle back home .
20 Both countries committed themselves not to attack or invade the other , and to resolve disputes through a process of dialogue .
21 ‘ My auntie told me not to run , ’ he explained , ‘ on account of my asthma . ’
22 Thus , though our parents tell us not to stare at strangers , not to speak with our mouths full , etc. , they unintentionally teach us much more besides .
23 Following further approaches from my hon. Friend , a direction was issued to South Glamorgan county council on 11 December requiring it not to approve the proposal until the Secretary of State had had more time to consider whether to call in the matter for his own determination .
24 This is a code of conduct for directors of listed companies requiring them not to deal in their own company 's shares on short-term considerations or at a time when they are in possession of unpublished price-sensitive information .
25 Eddie McAteer made a public call for the march to be postponed , but Fred Heatley , John McAnerney and Betty Sinclair visited him at home to persuade him not to pull out .
26 Darlington transport committee heard yesterday Mr Drury has to write frequently to parents asking them not to park near the entrance .
27 Mitch began to talk normally and Maggie willed him not to ask Ana to show him these horses her brother reared .
28 Auntie tells me not to panic ; she 'll come by taxi , and , has anyone phoned for an ambulance ?
29 The authoritative parent tells us that we should do things and judges us ; the loving parent tells us not to worry and that they care .
30 ‘ I 've got a Rocktron Intellifex unit that I always take around with me , which is great quality but , more often than not , the engineers prefer me not to use anything other than , say , a bit of chorus .
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