Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hard-faced , eclectic and distinctly dance-friendly , DF 118 are Pop Will Eat Itself on bad drugs , Big Audio Dynamite with a ring of low-rent authenticity and much more besides .
2 The white-bearded campaigner prided himself on blunt , outspoken views .
3 High-speed lifts land you on manicured pistes after well-disciplined and good-tempered queueing : ‘ After you .
4 To begin with Gyggle tried me on sensory deprivation .
5 In some cases , again , his links with the local gentry can be inferred only from his readiness to use them on sensitive business after 1483 .
6 In some cases , again , his links with the local gentry can be inferred only from his readiness to use them on sensitive business after 1483 .
7 Yakovlev observed that state publications for 1922 from Gosizdat and Krasnaia Nov' included nothing on agricultural and rural affairs .
8 if you record your check lists keep them on separate tapes and correctly labelled , so that you can easily find what you want .
9 Almost a year after his ‘ There 's Nothing Like This ’ hit single and reactivated album put him on first-name terms with the British public , Omar Lye-Kook is still based in north London , operating out of his father 's tiny Kongo Dance offices and recording down the road in Willesden .
10 This may lead those who would otherwise oppose the practice to defend it on cultural grounds .
11 However , when the researchers reached the shop floor they discovered that robots were far too expensive for management to waste them on unskilled jobs .
12 Ways of maintaining and improving communications include : a ) establishing a management structure within the Partnership , with clear lines of communication into the schools and into employment ; b ) circulating minutes of management meetings to schools and employers so they know what is being discussed and what is being decided ; c ) bringing teachers and employers together at both Partnership and school level to plan , discuss and review the progress of the Compact ; d ) establishing School Compact Teams with regular meetings ; e ) circulating Compact documents , including such things as pupils ' Work Experience reports widely ; f ) holding Open Evenings for parents to brief them on Compact developments ; g ) producing a regular Compact Newsletter .
13 Daniel wanted Elisabeth to accompany him on medieval instruments when he had his repertoire of early songs ready to perform .
14 In summer these are carried inland in sea spray ; in winter impregnated snow from the sea ice deposits them on coastal rocks and snowdrifts .
15 Both the men in expensive suits meet me on big-suited territory .
16 Finally , another academic justified it on motivational and cognitive grounds :
17 Martin takes them on unamplified , and after about an hour 's struggle , wins the day handsomely .
18 Evidence for this comes from the fact that the ambivalent expression does not seem to be confined to a limited range of situations , in which individuals find themselves on public display , especially to an audience from a higher social class or more advanced educational attainment .
19 In April 1988 the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales appointed a Working Group to advise them on appropriate attainment targets and programmes of study for English .
20 ensure that all telephone messages reach you on proper telephone message pads and ensure that your message takers are trained
21 But it was n't easy to lose puppy fat when Mum fed her on stodgy good home cooking — stews with dumplings and meat pies with pastry crusts and steamed sponge puddings , and there was no money to spare for proper hairdressing salons .
22 It would be a chance to see her on neutral ground , maybe even a chance to explain that it was n't his bloody fault that Laura had shown up at the door only seconds before she herself had .
23 They would also remove any personal belongings which were removable and next day place them on prominent display , according to Polperro 's Quiller Couch , ‘ … to disclose the disgraceful want of vigilance supposed to characterise the owner ’ .
24 Villagers have fallen into the role of waiting for the nurse to cure their sicknesses , the agricultural extension worker to apply the latest gardening technique and government officers to inform them on political developments .
25 De Gaulle wanted first for the Commission to end the pretence that it was a potential European government , and also its efforts to impose itself on national governments ; and second that if the Treaty of Rome requirements about majority voting were to apply , they should not be permitted to do so in situations where a member state deemed its vital interests to be at risk .
26 Only one person managed it on public transport .
27 I 'm positively not the person to advise anyone on cut-price marine systems or to encourage the idea that it is possible not to compromise such principles by going down market .
28 One of Reith 's first actions as Minister of Works was to appoint a panel of consultants to advise him on post-war planning .
29 He led a march of several hundred miners and their supporters through Barnsley in South Yorkshire , and urged other trade unionists to join them on other days of action to defend coal , as well as jobs in other industries .
30 HAMISH BOWLES met her on Long Island
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