Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [noun prp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , me and Will met in Carter Lane … ’
2 The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support received from Loughborough University 's Research Fund , and would also like to thank their research assistant , Theresa Madden , for her invaluable help and the RIBA for the assistance it has rendered .
3 So is the range of the gifts , which included not only items of direct utility to a church , such as the ecclesiastical vestments and bells received by St Cuthbert , but also objects whose chief characteristic was that they had belonged to the king , like Æthelstan 's cap and Edgar 's cloak .
4 Richard Huxley Jones , 72 , is this year 's recipient of the Aelwyn Morgan memorial award given by Rhuddlan Town Council to those who contribute most to the community .
5 John Redding , 21 , picked up a trophy donated by former Teesside County Borough engineer Jim Radcliffe , while 18-year-old John McGuckin received an award given by Garth Drabble , retired county surveyor and engineer .
6 Thirty-five teachers attended a special course given by Veronica Portmann , a lively young teacher from the Gymnastickschule in Bern .
7 She found it in Medau Rhythmic Movement when attending a course given by Molly Braithwaite at St. Andrews in Scotland , and decided at once to study at the Medau Schule in Coburg .
8 The four-month jail sentence given to Christopher Hart for mowing down nine-year-old Sharon Townsend was a disgrace .
9 THE ABSURDLY lenient sentence given to Frederic Blancke , the French hospital worker who brutally murdered British school teacher Fiona Jones , is a travesty of justice .
10 OF course TODAY is pleased that the Attorney General is now looking into the sentence given to Dr Thomas Courtney , the multiple rapist .
11 However , the fact that the futures contract for June settlement continued to trade at a 26-point premium to ‘ fair value ’ ( 23 points — the notional premium for buying all Footsie stocks now , but not paying for two and a half months ) indicates that most pundits see the market making further headway after Easter .
12 The futures contract for June expiry stayed close to its ‘ fair value ’ premium of 29 points for most of the day .
13 The Fenari clan seem 's not to have forgiven or forgotten this slight , for Molla Fenari 's sons later challenged a decision given by Molla Yegan as kadi of Bursa and caused him to be examined by a of the ulema .
14 ‘ My son has just passed his exams to go to St Francis Xavier .
15 Money has been rolling in from a very wide range of fund raising activities undertaken by JM sites and individuals around the country .
16 Tait ordered the driver to continue down Victoria Street and strike south towards the Thames .
17 Praise God for the opportunity to minister in Corntonvale Prison and for favour with the Governor .
18 It is clear , therefore , that rules of English law which restrict access to courts , tribunals and remedies may fall foul of the principle of effective protection recognized by EC law ; and the greater the restriction , the more likely is it to do so .
19 EQUITY & LAW , The Netherlands ' 60ft yacht skippered by Dirk Nauta , yesterday became the first of the smaller boats and 15th so far to finish the first leg of the Whitbread Round the World Race to Punta del Este in Uruguay .
20 Mr Richards said he approached the Independent Tribunal Appeals Services in Nottingham , and as a result residents of Kinmel Bay and Rhyl would now have their cases heard in Colwyn Bay , reducing travelling time from around 50 minutes to 15 minutes .
21 For the reasons given by Dillon L.J. , I therefore agree that , as would have occurred in every common law jurisdiction and probably in most others , both appeals should be dismissed .
22 I agree that these appeals should be dismissed for the reasons given by Dillon L.J .
23 Nevertheless , their Lordships think it right to concentrate attention on the reasons given by Barnett J. for the order now under appeal .
24 who agreed that the appeal should be dismissed for the reasons given by Fox L.J. , Lloyd L.J .
25 In addition , derelict land was , until recently , being created faster than it could be reclaimed , Although there are areas of derelict land that should be retained for some of the reasons given by John Gordon , and research sponsored by the Department of the Environment has sought to identify these for appropriate use , there are still far larger areas that , due to the many constraints of the substrates that need to be overcome , are eyesores , health hazards and potential lethal risks to the communities that have to live surrounded by them .
26 I also consider ( though this may only be expressing the same conclusion in another way ) that , for the reasons given by Mr. Langley , the injunction as at present framed should be interpreted as not prohibiting compliance with the section 39 notice .
27 Apgood skimmed through Brigitte Schickert 's certificate , her husband 's name , parents ' names , place and date of birth , and the address of the Leistritz farmhouse , Dornhausen .
28 What he was also wondering was whether Harriet had received any letters of the kind received by Tom Fearon and if so , whether she had kept them ?
29 The freedom to invest in South Africa means the money to invest there so you can make even more .
30 There were gossip-column items , too , about such-and-such an amusing practical joke played on William Powell or this-and-that fancy present given to Carole Lombard .
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