Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] [vb -s] the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Sulzberger thinks he has the answer .
2 Since it may take many hours to establish what influences the activity of a single cell , this is a far from trivial issue .
3 With data filtering one pays the price of decreasing the effective library redundancy and increasing the number of hybridisations .
4 Samuel Rhodes , the viola player of the Quartet , has had a larger size instrument made which enables the normal viola range to extend downwards by a fourth .
5 What is unusual about this resource is that at each point in the dialogue it is known what idea the speaker is trying to express , and what information the hearer has which provides the context for its understanding .
6 It studied a big selection of firms from a single industry — machine-tool making in western Germany — in an attempt to discover what makes the sheep sheep , and goats goats .
7 The Dixons hope someone holds the key .
8 Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev says he regrets the demise of the Soviet Union but says it would be impossible to bring back .
9 G. says he thinks the man is lying , that the vat went over not by accident but because the ice cream was not up to standard and pouring it away was the most convenient way of getting rid of it .
10 Poet reckons it has the first object database for NT , but Objectivity Inc is stomping at its heels with the Objectivity/DB Starter Kit for Windows NT , also claiming it to ‘ the first object-oriented database management system for Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT operating system ’ .
11 As the size of a non-ectothermic herbivore increases it has the additional problem of finding enough food ( so there is , incidentally , a selective advantage for any plant to become unpalatable ) .
12 It must be remembered that no complete version of the New Testament survives which pre-dates the reign of Constantine .
13 Research is now being intensified at Dundee University , which has the world 's leading expertise on the subject , in an attempt to understand what makes the algae release the potentially fatal toxins .
14 Compares the use of three different sets of formulae to determine which provides the best model to employ for bigram and trigram models .
15 Kazakhstan 's President Nursultan Nazarbayev and Uzbekistan 's President Islam Karimov both condemned the way in which the draft treaty had been thrust upon the republics by the centre , and took the same line as the Russian Federation President Boris Yeltsin in arguing that it should be the republics ' prerogative to dictate what powers the centre should retain .
16 In stressing the ubiquity of the differential principle in all aspects of Russian Formalist thought one runs the risk of implying that the coherence of the theory is the result of an intellectual parti pris , and that the intention on the part of the Formalists was to establish a fixed dogmatic system .
17 Coun Bolland feels he needs the practice .
18 Again the same thing , there 's contraction in that muscle which stops the blood flowing which builds the acid and therefore it begins to hurt , let it go .
19 Ulster 's geographic isolation means it needs the best possible transport links .
20 Manager Edward Stein admits he fears the worst after Barnet 's company secretary Stanley Beller warned him that the club would be put into liquidation inside 24 hours unless ‘ things are sorted out . ’
21 Meanwhile , reports The Daily Telegraph , Dr David Wynne Evans a Welsh GP says he has the solution to the agonising pain of the Weaver 's sting — forget morphine and pethidine and instead apply very hot water .
22 American and Australian warships joined with British forces in a combined operation to intercept the Iraqis , and Defence Secretary , Tom King says it shows the multi-national force is working well as a unit .
23 But Mr Blair says he suspects the caller was a unionist attempting to ‘ stir things up ’ .
24 David Perry says he wants the Nuffield to provide good value service of a high quality , he 's particularly keen it continues to help the County 's Accident Service , but he has no doubt the Authority will continue to use it .
25 Land expert at the Trust , Simon Potts says he welcomes the call for farmers to sell land at near agricultural prices , but admits there 's not much to be built , not much in it for the landowners themselves .
26 Conservative MP Warren Hawksley says it gives the wrong message to young people .
27 part of a manager 's responsibility , with new and established acts , is to keep the stimulus going which makes the artist want to write , record and perform .
28 The farm cattle have their gods too and anyone who leaves a car or a tractor and trailer parked in a field of cattle can observe that when such a vehicle appears it produces the most unusual reactions amongst the herd .
29 Simplicity There is no need for countries to decide what constitutes the appropriate exchange rate or for their general agreement on whether deficit or surplus countries are responsible for the adjustment burden .
30 In the Summer Term of 1989 the LEA published and distributed a short booklet ( Leeds City Council 1989e ) which was ‘ intended to help parents to appreciate what constitutes the best primary school practice and also to highlight aspects of education that the Authority wishes to promote ’ .
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