Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] [verb] these " in BNC.

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1 As inevitably occurs when abstract semantic properties are posited independently of form and then forms sought which express these properties , however , the binding hierarchy explanation , while offering some significant observations , does not square very well with the full range of data from actual language use .
2 Alex , however , subscribes to the standard conspiracy theory that the authorities undermine anyone investigating these sensitive areas .
3 These are performances to make you forget these are pieces usually treated as potboilers .
4 However , a more careful analysis of methods of work and recreation in the Easter vac helped me to overcome these problems and be more in charge of myself , rather than being tossed about at random .
5 The pupils who come to Learning Support are encouraged to look openly and realistically at their problems and to use departmental resources , staff , accommodation and equipment to help them resolve these problems .
6 In what subject/topic areas does he discuss these ?
7 But the good news is , that it 's possible to arrange insurance which can provide cash to help you avoid these problems .
8 Royal agents were equipped with letters of credit to enable them to use these services .
9 My wife wants me to do these things .
10 However , in March 1676 , the King commanded them to execute these laws with renewed vigour .
11 It was claimed that trustees of the NUM ( the President , the Vice-President and the Secretary ) were in breach of their duties and the High Court ordered them to recover these assets and hand them over to the sequestrators .
12 Jo do you ask these things ?
13 Recently published documentary evidence enables one to support these possibly tenuous impressions with fact , however .
14 Godolphin would need Dowd to help him calm these suspicions , and a man who needed his dog knew not to kick it too hard .
15 How many sugars do you take these days ?
16 Yes and he , he said to Norman do you want these , he bought them for somewhere for the house
17 ‘ If you want an honest opinion , I reckon there were things you could have done to achieve that before you ever let Jahsaxa persuade you to undergo these changes . ’
18 In 1845 he started a wholesale grocery business in Liverpool , and later a printing business ; hard work and a good business sense allowed him to sell these for a small fortune in 1856 .
19 ‘ It is high time the Government did something to stop these bombers .
20 For example , though he made a number of proposals to increase public participation his overriding concern for expediting procedures forced him to compress these into a impracticable time-scale .
21 What size have you done these ?
22 However , substantial investment in new technology together with an increased market share in the UK and the North American markets helped them to offset these initial setbacks and produce a stronger finish to the year .
23 Computer instructions generally operate on individual scalar variables , although we have seen how the use of index registers allows us to interpret these scalars as elements of vectors or stacks .
24 Anderson attempts a show of strength by using the IFID , " I demand " five times and " I insist " once , but his insecurity is indicated by the fact that he has to support his demands by asserting that he has the status permitting him to make these speech acts .
25 It is n't that Ackroyd asks us to compare these two poor Toms , in pursuit of a theory alleging the importance of imitation .
26 The marriage game was played for the highest stakes by kings and emperors and counts ; there is no reason to suppose it reached these proportions elsewhere in the social scale .
27 At Level Three students will identify personal development goals and devise and arrange enterprise activity to enable them to meet these goals .
28 As it is now three weeks since the Kincardine and Deeside by-election , when will he respond to our invitation to meet him to discuss these serious matters ?
29 It may be argued that fundholding allows us to discharge these responsibilities ourselves in respect of our own practice population , and that we are capable of doing the job better than a large purchasing authority .
30 We have recently completed an audit of provision at the college and in the four schools in our consortium , in order to help us plan these further developments . ’
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