Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] [verb] good " in BNC.

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1 Except that her figure made it look good anyway .
2 If you 've got the ears to know what sounds good you 're going to be pretty much alright . ’
3 Do n't use a varnish finish unless the door is very well protected by a porch and you are prepared for regular and frequent maintenance to keep it looking good .
4 however , if this happens to your windows , it 's still not too late to rectify matters — sanding will restore their former glory , then you can work out a treatment programme to keep them looking good .
5 Often , shops think they have good facilities for the disabled but they 're often used for other things .
6 Often , shops think they have good facilities for the disabled but they 're often used for other things .
7 Often , shops think they have good facilities for the disabled but they 're often used for other things .
8 So you know that , that as you know Richard said you know good idea , could make quite a few people , so I think Marcus , if , if Marcus chose that moment he , he really
9 ‘ In the same way as some people might go to church and seek absolution , accepting that I have confessed to these sins makes me feel better .
10 He does n't come with a lot pious platitudes and and charming words to make us feel better .
11 The bill , which makes it an offence to carry a knife and puts the onus on the carrier to prove he had good reason to carry the knife , will have its third reading on Friday and could now become law before summer after the Scottish Office accepted a Labour amendment that the act should come into force on the day it is passed rather than at the end of a two month period .
12 This information is also of interest to all engineers to help them encourage good practice approaches to the identification and assessment of risk issues .
13 Miss Tuckey said they made good agents .
14 No , there 's nothing like a good laugh to make you feel better about yourself .
15 Dr Taylor said the reason why a good laugh makes you feel better is still a mystery .
16 A drop o' sun makes yer feel better in yerself .
17 Merely viewing its contents made her feel better .
18 Poverty forces them to have good qualities and pride in other things besides money .
19 I would that you were with us to hear me play the piano which I do every day and Papa declares I make good progress .
20 Corvette After-Shave makes you feel good
21 Lies are essential in life , says Professor Loyal Rue — not only do we lie to others , we tell ourselves fibs to make us feel better .
22 She performed a few minor alterations on her body to make her feel better .
23 That knowledge made me feel good .
24 Do you know of any shops selling ski wear which looks good and is reasonably priced ?
25 Two things enable you to create good programs : knowing what the sounds you hear are made up of and knowing how your rack works .
26 As director of the British Museum ( Natural History ) from 1919 to 1927 , Harmer 's equanimity enabled him to have good relationships with the trustees and he steered the Museum smoothly through a difficult time with tact and judgement .
27 I 'm sort of kneeling there , so I put my hand on Marie 's back to make her feel better , but she rolls away from me .
28 ‘ Just as there is comfort in eating , so there is comfort spending — buying things to make yourself feel better , ’ observes Simon Gelsthorpe .
29 Which people make you feel good ? )
30 Her progress is delayed by the 400 parents and friends who have all decided to move to the edge of the parade ground to ensure they get good seats for the parade .
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