Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [art] long time " in BNC.

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1 The prospect of another two years of study seemed a long time .
2 The prospect of another two years of study seemed a long time .
3 The tobacco industry plans a long time ahead .
4 Ascending its professional hierarchies takes a long time .
5 The seal spent a long time underwater , thinking .
6 This trend will be most prevalent among larger companies that find downsizing takes a long time due to the complexity of their computing environment .
7 This trend will be most prevelant among larger companies that find downsizing takes a long time due to the complexity of their computing environment .
8 But for Ben Hunt ; his passion for motorbikes started a long time ago .
9 It seemed to Lefevre that the splash took a long time in coming .
10 Hyacinth took a long time to respond .
11 Single gas instantaneous water heaters have their place alongside a storage system ; the main problem with relying on a gas multi-point heater to provide all the house 's hot water is the low flow rate which means baths take a long time to fill .
12 ‘ The coach arrived a long time ago !
13 If the WC cistern takes a long time to fill , it is possible that a high-pressure type of ballvalve has been fitted instead of a low-pressure type ( page 38 ) or that there is dirt in the valve orifice .
14 The girl spent a long time wondering whether she could pluck up courage to mention she 'd thought of going to the Swimming Gala if her mother really felt there was nothing she could do .
15 The story of Eddie Aikau began a long time ago :
16 The 1988–89 Committee spent a long time agonising over the problem of how to keep the broadcasters at arms length , so that their editors would not be able to provide the signal in ways that might be journalistically attractive but would be repugnant to Members .
17 Although the academic study of Roman law took a long time to have practical effect , by the 1170s and 1180s it was occasionally cited authoritatively in some at least of the courts of the south .
18 His philosophy took a long time to be appreciated , partly because he never pushed his own work , which was subsequently overshadowed by that of Wittgenstein .
19 It says , for instance , that it ‘ should have done what COSE did a long time ago . ’
20 Also the carbs on the SD1 V8 engine take a long time to return to idle when you take your foot off the throttle .
21 Anabelle waited a long time , watching from the other side of the gate .
22 The 55 week interval represents the longest time that any patient remained in the trial .
23 All money purchase schemes are potentially unpredictable , and are especially likely to lose value through monetary inflation ( and not least if the annuitant lives a long time ) unless the annuity is fully index-linked , which is not the case under present legislation .
24 She swallowed hard and began , ‘ Well , the Big Bang happened a long time ago .
25 But then , all this business happened a long time ago .
26 The difference is that your body takes a long time to react to the tetanus antitoxin Sorry , to the tetanus vaccine , to make antibodies against it .
27 The legal process takes a long time and the task of getting new Regulations approved remained incomplete when I retired .
28 However , if that application process takes a long time , it is felt that one can not upset that person 's lifestyle — he may be married — and he is allowed to stay .
29 Cardiff was , of course , built on mud flats , and nature takes a long time to change .
30 On the morning of the day when Therese Aschmann was due to arrive in Hochhauser , Willi spent a long time getting ready before he went to meet her at the station .
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