Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [verb] the time " in BNC.

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1 Housewifery expands to fill the time available ’ — this principle was discovered by Betty Friedan in her 1950s tour of American suburbia .
2 In the previous week the manor had cut the time to the summit by five minutes , but this was still two minutes short of the performance of No 75069 in June .
3 Kim began to study the time these meridians were formed in different species and in a way , echoing Burr 's reports , found that within the embryonic chick , for example , they manifested within fifteen hours of conception !
4 This concept , brilliantly and amusingly elucidated in book of that name published the previous year by Professor C. Northcote Parkinson , stated : ‘ Work expands to fill the time available for its completion . ’
5 Parkinson 's Law states that ‘ work expands to fill the time available ’ .
6 Cyril Northcote Parkinson , prolific author and inventor of Parkinson 's Law — which holds that all work expands to fill the time available for its completion — has died , aged 83 .
7 From the AIB point of view the exercise meant devoting the time and effort of a number of experienced personnel to activities that served no benefit to the Branch .
8 But Nigel did take the time to explain that b that basically this was the , the , the view that the new directive would take place keeping it simple .
9 Fakrid had entered the Time of Blood .
10 Isabel wondered when fitzAlan had found the time to pack up the garments .
11 The staff at Inside Job like to take the time to help each customer select the appropriate style , fabric , carpet , wallpaper , paint , upholstery and any other soft furnishings that are needed .
12 Just once or twice , when he remembered , Busacher wondered how Willi managed to find the time to do all these things , and be Burgermeister , and put in a least a modicum of hours on his farm .
13 The new board changes appear to favour the Time side of the group .
14 Would the red weed affect the time machine ?
15 Kopyion 's refusal to answer any of his previous questions had irritated the Time Lord .
16 Before the visitor has had the time to see the baptistery ruins , the plaques or the crucifix he will have spent time near the door .
17 Colonel Astor had bought The Times in 1922 specifically to keep it out of the clutches of Lloyd George , who was seeking a personal political base and had money to spend from his earlier sale of honours when Prime Minister .
18 Middlemass had finished The Times crossword by quarter to ten and had made the rest of the paper last as long as possible .
19 It 's only in the last ten or twenty years that people have had the time or the money to have hobbies , especially to do with music or painting .
20 The man continues to read the Times and dust his suit .
21 A COMPUTER system introduced by Japan 's Ministry of Health has cut the time taken to match a kidney donor with the most suitable recipient from several hours to three minutes .
22 This is a popular theme , as children enjoy telling the time .
23 Otherwise the men had passed the time reading and keeping an eye out for aircraft .
24 ‘ We have had a few of our delivery men have missed the time by just two or three minutes but as people get used to it things should improve , ’ said a spokesman .
25 With more than 30 different sightings of mink in a recent five hour match at Kidsgrove and Scholar Green , anglers have agreed the time is right to remove the killers
26 Using workflow , one hardware manufacturer managed to cut the time taken to process an invoice from six weeks to three days .
27 Early studies suggested TV did reduce the time spent reading a paper .
28 The bacon burgers were awful and the coffee was at 1000 degrees C , but that months copy of VIZ helped to pass the time .
29 One Christmas , Mother managed to find the time to make me a dolly , but only because I pestered .
30 ‘ If only Jimmy Knapp and his union colleagues had taken the time to read our manifesto , they would have realised this and saved themselves undoubted embarrassment . ’
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