Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The case sought to prove that McAlpine 's claimed IDO was ‘ void for uncertainty ’ .
2 Second , whereas the government 's social policy extols the virtues of targeting benefits and subsidies to where they will do most good , there is no parallel targeting to ensure that interest rate policy will bear only on those aspects of the economy which increase inflationary pressure .
3 In the depth of the slump , with 3m jobless and a dozens of businesses going bust every day , the retailer has proved that food is still a big item on the nation 's menu .
4 In a report presented to the Polish parliament , the State Inspectorate for Environmental Protection has stated that preparations are in hand to close down 100 out of the 800 industrial plants which were identified as causing dangerous levels of pollution .
5 A survey commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture has shown that farmers in environmentally sensitive areas ( ESAs ) have become more interested in environmental issues since their introduction .
6 Octel Communications Corp has announced that Telecel Comunicacoes Pessoais SA , the privately-owned Groupe Speciale Mobile cellular operator in Portugal , is offering call completion services to its subscribers using Octel 's Sierra voice processing system : if the Telecel customer is not available or the telephone is engaged , the system will answer the call and store the caller 's message ; the value of the order was not given .
7 How can an environmental impact assessment state that there will be no likely impact when British Rail has to admit that people will have to be temporarily rehoused ?
8 The change has meant that fund managers have , as John Harrison says , ‘ begun to realise that charities with their gross funds are rather like pension funds : they have an institutional nature with trustees involved and this makes them a fund management proposition ’ .
9 WITHOUT going as far as opponents Ford , Vauxhall has said that airbags will be available as standard or as an option on most of its cars for 1994 .
10 The Ministry of Defence has announced that RAF Abingdon is to close almost a year earlier than expected .
11 Simons has suggested that drugs preventing the fusion between the lysosome membrane and the piece of membrane surrounding entering viruses might be very effective anti-viral agents .
12 With bored businessmen and other visitors , it had n't taken the authorities long to realize that gambling was an important source of foreign currency .
13 Shell has argued that suggestions to impose a statutory limit on the size and age of tankers , and to ensure that all new ones have double hulls may back-fire .
14 Ray Flowers , chairman of the subcommittee has denied that farmers are favoured in pathway matters .
15 LRT has warned that passengers can not be expected to finance the group 's entire five-year £3 billion capital spending programme .
16 With the advent of radio , television and satellite broadcasting , this reasoning is anachronistic , and Parliament has enacted that words spoken in theatres , and in broadcasts for general reception , shall be deemed libels and not slanders .
17 Despite the grave financial situation that Italy is in today , and despite the total suspension of spending on public works , parliament has indicated that Venice should have absolute priority on account of the grave risk of permanent damage if nothing is done .
18 The West German parliament has proposed that carbon dioxide emissions from a united Germany should be cut by 30 per cent by 2005 .
19 Professor Everitt has written that innkeepers were among the most mobile elements in the community , but that only a minority established dynasties that lasted for three or four generations .
20 The long-running recession has meant that interest in these properties is low , but if they can be sold the cash raised will be put back into further improving the remaining operations .
21 Dr Pierre Chaplais has argued that Henry III 's action , by which he acknowledged Louis IX 's superiority over the whole duchy of Aquitaine , was more damag-ing to both Plantagenet and Gascon interests than may at first appear .
22 At least one writer has speculated that Carver may recently have lost a son ( by circular argument , in that selfsame Stirling plague ) , but the truth is we simply do n't know what , if any , personal reference is composed into the music .
23 For example , simultaneous monitoring of the EEG and large bowel motility has shown that sleep has profound inhibitory effects on overall colonic contractions and is the major determinant of the daily variations of motility .
24 It is also possible that cultural adaptations during this phase may have selected genetic bases for behaviour in ways that ensured the development of social strategies designed to ensure that individuals fitted well into the existing social structure .
25 Brian Moss of Liverpool University has estimated that phosphate levels in rivers of lowland England are 100 times the natural background , and nitrogen levels are 10 times background .
26 A survey by Liverpool University has shown that drowning in fishing nets is one of the commonest causes of dolphin and porpoise deaths in the waters around Britain .
27 The board has announced that Mr Brettell 's assignment will end with the Hamon Building inauguration in October , but who can say ?
28 Experience has shown that licensing is not generally a satisfactory approach .
29 Computational experience has shown that pseudo-costs do not vary too much from node to node ( which is why we have not given them a ‘ k ’ subscript ) .
30 Experience has shown that employment potential and the needs of the employer require more than just school or college education .
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