Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [verb] at a " in BNC.

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1 The crucial events around which the case centred occurred at a dinner party given by the General , when Aitken and some others were present .
2 Between 1985 and 1990 , however , the number of people aged over 85 supported in residential care by local authorities has declined at a slower rate than that for all people aged 65+ .
3 Over this period the stock of such investments has expanded at an average annual compound rate of just under 19% .
4 Britain 's reported current-account deficit has run at an annual rate of £20 billion ( $34 billion ) in the first two months of this year , equivalent to 4% of GDP — even bigger than America 's .
5 A turning point may be reached if income starts to rise at a decreasing rate ; investment will start to fall and as soon as the fall in investment exceeds the rise in consumption , income will start to fall .
6 On the back of Wall Street 's overnight strength , the FT-SE 100 cash index rose 33 points at the outset and , with the futures index opening at a hefty premium , looked poised to turn in a record-setting performance .
7 None of the fathers ' job descriptions given on the birth certificate referred to work at a nuclear establishment .
8 It all began in the early hours when it 's alleged the car failed to stop at a police check and sped off through the city centre and out along the Botley Road .
9 Compulsory labour involves working at a site designated by the authorities , where prisoners are under surveillance and restricted in their movements .
10 Dr Neil avoided looking at a bridling McAllister , particularly when Mrs Darrell went on to say , still in the same shriek , ‘ Hope she 's honest , Neil .
11 Lynda Warren , author of the report , said : " This industry has grown at an alarming rate , in a complete policy vacuum .
12 When such a clear target has been voiced and accepted , ideas for units begin to flow at a rate which the technology and the programmer find difficult to cope with .
13 The samples go back over 30 000 years , and they show that after being constant for most of that time the methane concentration began to increase in 1580 ( Geophysical Research Letters , vol 9. p 1221 ) At the end of the 16th century , the methane concentration began increasing at a rate of 0.114 ppmv per century ( parts per million by volume ) and around 1915 the rate accelerated to the present figure of 2.5 ppmv per century — if the data can be taken at face value .
14 This divergence began to emerge at a very early stage .
15 Eleanor started hinting at an affair .
16 This chapter seeks to examine at a small-scale the variations in deprivation and investment in an urban area of Pittsburgh .
17 The Mersey building programme had continued at an impressive rate throughout 1990 with orders recently placed for the last 14 fibre reinforced composite ( FRC ) boats — due to be completed within the next 22 months .
18 That was after Joe , HISY 's lawyer had claimed at a previous hearing that yet another G Tec rival , Scientific Games , had been told not to bother bidding by lottery officials .
19 Over the third quarter of this year , he told parliament , output by Soviet industry had risen at a rate of one per cent while wages were soaring at an annual pace of 15 per cent .
20 This was the first time that the nuclear industry had admitted at a public inquiry that the electricity from one of its future reactors would be more expensive than the output from an equivalent coal-fired station .
21 Once , Bill Pertwee — again a staple member of the cast — remembered for me , Kenneth Horne made him write to the wife of an executive he thought Ken had insulted at a party given by the BBC for the Round The Horne cast .
22 The first witness had decided at an early stage not to travel to Dublin ; the second only recently made his decision not to give evidence .
23 Yields have remained at an average of more than 2.6 tonnes a hectare .
24 We are naturally disappointed that substantial catastrophe losses have come at a time when the pace of our underlying recovery is accelerating , but we are confident that the improvement in our performance is soundly based and will continue to show through as strong management action proves increasingly effective . ’
25 In the first quarter of this year we 've seen more moderate growth in those geographical areas but in nineteen eighty nine nearly forty percent of Pearson 's trading ca profit came from economies outside the U K and North America and we expect our activities in these other areas to continue to grow at a satisfactory rate .
26 It will issue CDs with a maturity expected to coincide with a liquidity surplus and hold CDs expected to mature at a time of shortage .
27 Our perception of the pub has to work at a number of levels — mostly obvious , but nonetheless worth clarifying .
28 Fees collection work has continued at a high level since the acceptable age of a fee note in a complaint was reduced from five years to two in November last year .
29 Fees collection work has continued at a high level since the acceptable age of a fee note in a complaint was reduced from five to two years in November 1991 .
30 In the US , insider trading law has evolved at a much faster pace than any other country .
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