Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] while at the " in BNC.

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1 This would allow the Argentinians to stay well clear of the exclusion zone around the Falklands Islands while at the same time being able to attack ships anywhere inside it .
2 ‘ Walk A is the longest and hardest option covering eight miles and a 3,000 feet ascent while at the other end of the scale a D class walk would cover the same distance but ascend just 1,500 feet . ’
3 The result was that the Ops inspectors were not only permitted but actually put under pressure to qualify and remain current on at least one large modern public transport aircraft while at the same time flying club and private aircraft as well .
4 The study of personality structure , he argued , the genesis of which lies in social interaction , offers the beginning of a conceptual resolution of the old mind — body dichotomy while at the same time relating the individual to his social setting .
5 Owing to their deep-rooted hostility towards the very concept of involuntary unemployment and their a priori conviction that the labour market clears ‘ more or less continuously ’ , new classical macroeconomists are driven to look beyond this obvious explanation towards hypotheses which account for the acknowledged phenomenon of business cycles while at the same time preserving intact their beliefs in the robustness of all markets , including the labour market .
6 According to the Liberal-Irish alliance , the Irish party was supposed to abstain from the 1901 Conservative bill , aimed at bringing denominational schools in England and Wales into the national education system while at the same time absenting them from local government control : that is , giving finance while maintaining the system of denominational clerical control .
7 The scheme was set up to encourage a broader section of the public to buy works of art by living artists , thus opening up the art market while at the same time helping artists to earn an income .
8 In October 1975 OSHA recommended a further lowering of exposure levels while at the end of 1976 the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health ( NIOSH ) recommended a further lowering of the standard to the lower limit of detection by optical microscopy — 100.000 asbestos fibre per cubic metre — though NIOSH admitted that even at that level of exposure there is probably still an increased risk of cancer .
9 Intended as a ‘ slight inversion of the notion of the sexuality of the road movie ’ , says Giannaris , which is ‘ usually set in a heterosexual context ’ , his bizarre love triangle manages in the midst of its labyrinthine sexual politics to recall Kerouac , Ginsburg and the Beat Generation while at the same time exploring gay sexuality against the backdrop of the American mid-west .
10 My hon. Friends have made the good point that the Labour party is posing as the party of carbon dioxide reductions while at the same time it wants to force electricity generators to burn more coal , phase out the nuclear industry and , in its phrase , to ’ deter ’ the generators from using gas for power generation .
11 With observation that the primary sufferer has not been helped by the previous well-meaning actions of the family member while at the same time the life of the family member has definitely been harmed by various attempts to help or control the disease of the primary sufferer .
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