Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] have been [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 In the last of her special reports on child friendly Scotland , Alison MacDonald 's been looking at how we 're doing on providing the basics like nursery places .
2 Allan Stewart had been itching to speak .
3 NCR Corp has been demonstrating an enhanced version of its Co-operation environment at UniForum in San Francisco , and says that it provides enhanced scalable , enterprise-wide support , including broadened server scalability ; enhanced desktop capabilities ; single point , local or remote , system administration ; access to object-based frameworks ; updated versions of all third-party components including Windows 3.1 and Hewlett-Packard Co 's NewWave 4.1 ; access to the Informix database ; and improved diary , mail and information access .
4 Printers and typesetting houses have been embracing new methods for the last 15 years or so and now rely entirely upon them .
5 Such a lightning-spattered ending is found , for example , in Passionate Summer ( 1958 ) , where for most of the film the schoolteacher on a Caribbean Island has been keeping at bay the emotions directed towards him by a troubled pupil , the headmaster 's wife and an air hostess .
6 Investigations into the activities of this particular smuggling gang had been going on for nearly twelve months prior to the climax of Yashmak and were initiated in Sussex .
7 A computer retailer has been operating for three years under the name of " COMPUTER EQUIPMENT SALES " and has a chain of stores in the South of England .
8 There is no doubt that GP fund-holding has been proving successful and has been extending quite dramatically .
9 Ian Maclaren has been finding out .
10 OUTRAGEOUS US comedienne Roseanne Arnold has been sending poison-pen faxes to critics who panned husband Tom 's new TV show .
11 Napier University has been providing full-time undergraduate teaching in publishing since 1968 .
12 Michell 's work provided the opportunity researchers had been waiting for and Pat Gadsby and Chris Hutton-Squire , of the alternative technology magazine , Undercurrents , took up the challenge .
13 If you think that Toronto vertical market turnkey systems integrator Geac Computer Corp has been making rather a lot of acquisitions of late , well you ai n't seen nothing yet .
14 THE New Zealand selectors of the World XV who invited South African centre MARTIN KNOETZE to step in for England 's Will Carling have been labouring under a rather severe misapprehension .
15 Since the publication of ‘ Education for Self-Reliance ’ , the process of transforming these goals into curriculum plans and curriculum practice has been taking place , somewhat languidly at first , but with increasing momentum .
16 BTW Speed has been having very quiet games recently .
17 In any case , as General Manager , Denis Baston has been telling Robin Powell , such major changes require careful consideration .
18 Von Stein had been checking the wall clock in the laboratory then looking back at his notes for some time .
19 The UK car component industry has been undergoing severe contraction owing to the rationalisation strategies of UK assemblers and the increasing tendency for foreign-owned assemblers to supply the market through imports .
20 Students at Somerville College have been fighting for months to keep men out or their college .
21 At the NoS offices the champagne corks had been popping .
22 The building industry has been cashing in by providing sheltered housing schemes for elderly people , there is a whole holiday industry built around holidays for the elderly and more and more private nursing homes are springing up .
23 But despite this and the fact that Brazil 's President Fernando Collor de Mello strongly supports the concept of the park opposition has been gathering force .
24 Human-rights groups have been denouncing Mr Cerezo since his election in 1986 .
25 This , then is the state of affairs which Rigoberta Menchu has been trying for the past 11 years to bring to the world 's attention — an almost impossible task , given the fact that for most of that time the international press found Nicaragua and El Salvador much more diverting .
26 Ever since the two disastrous meetings she had had recently about Matilda , the first with the Headmistress and the second with the dreadful Mr and Mrs Wormwood , Miss Honey had been thinking a great deal about this child and wondering how she could help her .
27 Since December 1989 opposition groups had been demanding the trial of former President Yumjaagiyn Tsedenbal for causing economic stagnation in the 1960s and 1970s .
28 Britain 's Vivienne Westwood has been taking the historical fantasy tablets for some time .
29 The Institute 's Education & Training Directorate and the General Practitioner Board have been watching the falling numbers of students training in small firms with deep concern and both have set up working parties to look at the problems .
30 Tam Dalyell has been reading the second Brandt report
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